- Put the chairs in circles and we will play games. 把椅子摆放成圈,我们要做游戏。
- There has been much gossip in political circles. 政界里有许多流言蜚语。
- He is well-thought-of in government circles. 他在政府各部门中很受敬重。
- Nobody can run circles around him in this field. 在这方面没人能轻易超过他。
- There is a small overlap between the two circles. 在这两个圆周有一小部分重叠。
- Are there any animals in the polar circles? 南极圈和北极圈内有动物存在吗?
- He moves in very rarefied circles; his friends are all lords. 他活动于上流阶层,结交的尽是贵族。
- He is a man of some influence in the government circles. 他是个在政府内有一定势力的人。
- Is Esperanto Easier Than English? 世界语比英语更简单?
- He soon became a big fun in political circles there. 不久他就成了当地政界里的一位很有影响力的人物。
- Esperanto was invented as an auxiliary language. 世界语是作为辅助语发明的。
- How can I write the Esperanto letters with accents? 如何写出有上标的世界语字母?
- Her wealth gives her enormous leverage in social circles. 她有财富便於她在社会各界造成巨大影响。
- Introduction of various Esperanto periodicals. 各种世界语杂志介绍。
- Learning ESPERANTO can even improve your English! 学习世界语甚至也可以提升进你的英文水准!
- Esperanto(AiJt-Yv) Bu KeNf CfWy AiJt-FuIu-Yv . 世界语不可能成为世界辅助语。
- He teaches Esperanto at that university. 他在那所大学教世界语。
- She moves in fashionable circles. 她周旋於上流社会的圈子里。
- Esperanto rompas la murojn inter la popoloj. 世界语打破民族之间的隔墙.
- Esperanto is characterized by a similar simplicity. 世界语也是如此的简单。