- Escort Fighter Squadron 护航战斗机中队
- Yuke Squadron Hey, I see escort fighters. 喂,我看到有护航的飞机。
- Yuke Landing Force Fighter squadron, turn to intercept them. 战斗机中队,转去迎击敌人。
- Captain Samantha Weeks 12th Fighter Squadron, Elmendorf, Alaska. 埃尔门多夫,阿拉斯加。第12战斗机中队队长"萨曼莎".
- What good is our fighter squadron, just flying around doing nothing?! 我们的飞机在干什么?难道就只是在天上绕圈子吗?
- We're in the mecha hangar, attempting to assemble a new fighter squadron. 我们在机械库,正试图组成一个新的战斗机中队。
- Yuke Squadron Can we jettison our anti-ship missiles to turn and burn with the enemy escort fighters? 我们可以放弃对舰导弹和敌军护卫机应战吗?
- I'm operationally assigned to the 94th Fighter Squadron, but the demo team itself falls under Air Combat Command. 我在编制上归属第94战斗机中队,但表演队本身是在空战司令部的直接指挥下。
- Promoted directly from sergeant to 1stLieutenant, he was assigned to the fledging 75th Fighter Squadron as the unit's communications officer. 他直接从下士提升为中尉,他被分配到刚形成的75战斗中队担任通讯官员。
- They face surface-to-air threats as well as Red Air threats, which are provided by the Aggressors of the 18th Fighter Squadron from Eielson. 他们要面对地对空武器和红军空军的威胁,红军空军则由来自埃尔森空军基地第18战斗机中队的“入侵者”们扮演。
- During the Korean War, the Captain flew an exchange tour with an American Air Force fighter squadron, flying the Republic F-84E Thunderjet. 在朝鲜战争期间,希尔瑞上校飞行驾驶着共和F-84E号飞机,执行美国空军战斗中队交换的任务。
- In two thousand four, Martha McSally became the first woman to command a fighter squadron in the United States Air Force. 2004年,玛撒萨利成为了美国空军战斗中队的第一位女指挥员。
- Fifteen F-22 Raptors from the 90th Fighter Squadron at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, are slated to deploy to Andersen AFB, Guam, in January. 15架F - 22战斗机中队,第90猛龙队在埃尔门多夫空军基地,阿拉斯加,都预定在1月部署安德森空军基地,关岛,。The deployment supports US Pacific Command's theater security packages in the Western Pacific.;部署支持美国太平洋司令部的戏剧在西太平洋的安全包。
- By the summer of1938 Arthur had added two and a half more Japanese aircraft to his score, had been promoted to the rank of captain and was commanding the28 th Fighter Squadron. 在1938年夏,亚瑟在他的得分上又增加了两架多敌机,被提升为上尉和指挥第28战斗中队。
- The "Argonauts" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147 completed their first deployment with the F/A-18E Super Hornet after transitioning from F/A-18C Hornet. 第147“船蛸”战斗机中队完成了他们从F/A-18C“大黄蜂”到F/A-18E“超级大黄蜂”换装后的第一次部署。
- Two days later the flight was sent to assist Finnish escort fighters defending Finnish bombers attacking enemy ships near Viipuri. 两天后,飞行小队被派遣去协助芬兰护航战斗机为轰炸维堡附近敌军军舰的芬兰轰炸机护航。
- While flying as a member of the C.A.C.W.'s 3rd Fighter Group's 7th Fighter Squadron, Captain Wang would be officially credited with 6.5 aerial victories. 当是一名中美空军混合编队第3战斗团第7战斗中队中的飞行员时,王上尉被记载取得了6.;5个空战胜利。
- With the addition of the 118 Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron and the temporary attachment of the 449 Fighter Squadron, the 23rd Fighter Gp. would become the 14th Air Force's 68th Composite Wing. 再加上另外的118战术侦察中队和临时配置的449战斗中队,第23战斗团成为了第14航空队第68混编队.
- To respond to the coup's forces, the military corps' headquarters made a decision to use the Special Tactical Fighter Squadron, "Scarface" which is formed of you, my fellow pilots. 作为对政变的回应,军事总部决定启用以你为核心的特种战术飞行中队:“刀疤脸”。