- Erwinia amylovom 梨火疫病菌
- Bacteria which infect Amomum tsao-ko are Pseudomonas and Erwinia. 回接表明,镰刀菌属的冬3-8号是病原菌。
- Erwinia carotovora subsp.Carotovora (Jones) Bergey et al. 芋软腐病,也称芋腐败病,芋腐烂病。
- Activity of AHL-lactonase against soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora. 1 苏云金芽胞杆菌中AHL内酯酶的抗病活性检测
- It also inhibited the occurrence of downy mildew and Erwinia carotovora. 对田间大白菜的霜霉病、软腐病的发生具有一定抑制作用。
- Erwinia carotovora subsp.Carotovora (Jones) Bergey et al.(Erwinia aroideae(Towns. ) Holland) 称胡萝卜软腐欧氏杆菌胡萝卜软腐亚种,属细菌。
- Erwinia carotovora subsp.Carotovora (Jones) Bergey et al. (Erwinia aroideae (Towns. ) Holland 称胡萝卜软腐欧氏菌,胡萝卜软腐致病变种,属细菌。
- Erwinia chrysanthemi, Pythiym splendens are classified to middle-risk quarantining pests. 黑条盾蚧(Ischnaspis longirostris)、菊欧文氏菌(Erwinia chrysanthemi)、华丽腐霉(Pythium splendens)是中风险的检疫性有害生物。
- A destructive disease of apple and pear trees, caused by a bacterium (Erwinia amylovora) that blackens the leaves and kills the branches. 梨火疫:一种苹果树和梨树的毁坏性疾病,由一种细菌(解淀粉欧文氏杆菌)引起,它使叶子变黑,使树枝坏死
- Furthermore, the treated potato showed high resistance to rot disease caused by Erwinia corotovora SCG1 compared to control. 经重组菌发酵液处理的马铃薯片,对马铃薯软腐病表现出很强的抗病性。
- For example, in Erwinia carotovora, the presence of cellulose and anaerobic conditions induce the production of cellulase. 例如胡萝卜软腐病菌,纤维素和缺氧诱导纤维素酶的合成。
- Nine motility mutants (M43, M49, M143, M330, M432, M451, M574, M725, M726) of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora were obtained by using Tn5 mutagenesis. 用转座子 Tn5对胡萝卜软腐欧氏杆菌胡萝卜亚种 ( Erwinia carotovora subsp.;carotovora;Ecc)进行诱变;获得 9个游动性改变了的突变体。
- Polygalacturonase has the same substrate specificity as pectate lyase. This enzyme is produced by Erwinia carotovora subspp. but not by Erwinia chyrsanthemi. 与果胶酸裂解酶的底物相同。胡萝卜软腐欧氏菌的多个亚种产生此酶,但菊欧氏菌不产生。
- Rice foot rot, caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. zeae is an essential bacterial disease in rice in the past two decades and usually causes serious damage in some areas. 由菊欧氏杆菌玉米致病变种(Erwinia chrysanthemi pv.;zeae)引起的水稻基腐病,是近二十年来水稻上重要的细菌病害,局部地区危害严重。
- Erwinia herbicola (Lohnis) Dye. 杨树冰核细菌性溃疡病
- Extracts from 15 of the moss species showed varying degrees of antibacterial activity,and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined for the extracts exhibiting a relatively strong inhibitory activity towards Erwinia carotovora. 结果表明,有15种藓类提取物对欧文氏菌表现出不同程度抑菌作用,并将有较强抑菌作用的提取物对欧文氏菌进行了最低抑菌浓度MIC测定。
- In the compatible interaction between potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum L) and soft rot bacteria(Erwinia carotovora pv. Carotovora), the characteristic of active oxygen species production is different in different compatible interactions. 马铃薯块茎切片- 软腐病菌亲和互作过程中, 不同强度的亲和互作中活性氧的释放有其不同的特点。
- For the synthesis of carotenoids bacterium Erwinia uredovora. MgSO_4 had the best positive effects among 8 inorganic salts,which can promote the growth of Erwinia uredovora and increase its pigments yield. 供试的8种无机盐中,MgSO_4的单因子效应最好,可促进噬夏孢欧文氏菌(Erwinia uredovora)的生长和类胡萝卜素合成。
- Mainly 3 parts were studied on this thesis; they were Pest risk analysis (PRA) and detection techniques of Erwinia amylovora and susceptibility of some rosaceae plants in China to fire blight. 本论文主要进行了梨火疫病菌的风险分析、国内部分蔷薇科植物对梨火疫病的感病性及梨火疫病菌的检测技术研究。
- It is usually due to fungi or oomycetes, such as the potato blight (Phytophthora infestams), or occasionally to bacterial infections, as in fireblight of pears, which is caused by Erwinia amylovora. 通常是由真菌和卵菌引起的,例如感染马铃薯的马铃薯晚疫病菌(疫霉属Phytophthorainfestams),枯萎病偶尔也可由细菌感染,如导致梨火疫病的解淀粉欧文氏菌Erwiniaamylovora。