- Harp not for ever on the same string. 勿老调重谈。
- Ernest Harper 哈珀
- Don't take your harp to the party. 勿反复罗嗦。
- The article, coming out anonymously, is fathered upon Ms Harper. 匿名发表的那篇文章被认为是哈珀女士所写。
- She continued to harp on the theme of her wasted life. 她继续大讲她那虚度了的一生。
- Ernest: I'll open the stairway door. 欧内斯特:我会把走廊的门给你打开。
- This is the apartment where Ernest Hemingway lived. 这是海明威曾经居住过的公寓。
- Ernest: Perhaps it is we who are insane. 欧内斯特:也许我们都是疯子吧。
- I wish you wouldn't harp on about it all the time. 我希望你不要老是喋喋不休地谈论那件事了。
- Mr. Harper bought out a nearby hardware store. 哈珀先生盘进附近一家五金店的全部货底。
- By the roadside Ernest saw old beggars. 恩尼斯特在路旁看见有一些老乞丐。
- She writes copy for Harper's Bazaar. 她为一家著名的杂志写作。
- This time Ernest was very hopeful. 这次恩尼斯特满怀希望。
- She began to harp us to drink after dinner. 用餐后,她开始弹奏起竖琴让我们饮酒消食。
- We must help Ernest because he is in a jam. 我们得帮助厄内斯特,因为他陷入了困境。
- Ernest had never doubted the rumor. 恩尼斯特从不曾怀疑这个传言。
- Ernest is the likeness of the Great Stone Face! 恩尼斯特真像伟大的石头脸
- This bosom friend was Joe Harper. 这个知己就是乔?哈帕。
- Ernest, do you really believe it will work? 厄内斯特,你真的相信它管用?
- Please don't harp on me anymore. 请不要再来烦我了。