- Erich Fromm(1962). The art of loving. NewYork: Harper. 孟祥森译(1969)。爱的艺术。台北市:志文出版社。译自
- Erich Fromm is one of the most famous figures of Frankfort School and Neo--Freudism in the 20th century. 埃里希·弗洛姆是20世纪法兰克福学派和新弗洛伊德主义的主要代表人物之一。
- According to Erich Fromm, human productive potentialities can bring into play the human essence;alienation is the negation of human productive nature. 摘要在弗洛姆看来,人的生产性潜能发挥出人的本质,异化是对人的生产性本能的否定。
- This thesis will use American psychologist Erich Fromm's Neo-Psychoanalytic theory on"solitude"to analyze the Dublin Adults'isolated psychological and mental state. 本文将用美国心理学家弗洛姆的关于人类“孤独”研究的新精神分析理论对乔伊斯短篇小说集《都柏林人》中成年人的“孤独”心理状态进行剖析。
- As a complete man's call for ego from the bottom of his heart, Erich Fromm's humanistic conscience is an autonomic morality which truly discards restraint and suppression. 弗洛姆的人道主义良心是完整的人发自内心、对自我的呼唤,是真正自律的、摈弃了抑制或压抑的道德。
- This paper focuses on the relationship between an kind of archetype named shadow and social institutions, through Jung's archetypal theory and Erich Fromm's human destructivity theory. 本文运用荣格原型心理学的“无意识”理论和弗洛姆“人类破坏性”理论,将视角集中于“阴影”原型与社会制度和文明的关系。
- Erich Fromm put forward that human's natural character was neither the collection of unchangeable instinctive desire nor the reflection of the infinitely plasticized social culture. 摘要弗洛姆提出,人的本性既不是固定不变的本能欲望的总和,也不是无限可塑的社会文化的影子,而有其固有的特质。
- This paper elaborates Erich Fromm's theory of human's existential condition from the perspectives of "human's biological weakness", "existential contradiction", "historical contradiction". 摘要本文从“人的生物学上的弱点”、“生存的两歧”、“历史的两歧”这三个方面来梳理弗洛姆的人学思想体系中对人的生存境遇的论述。
- Other important figures in psychoanalysis, including Erik Erikson, Karen Horney, and Erich Fromm, accepted the basic Freudian framework but contributed their own additions or modifications. 另外还有多位重要的精神分析大师,例如艾利克森(Erik Erikson)、荷妮(Karen Horney)、佛洛姆(Erich Fromm)等人,基本上也是在弗洛伊德的理论架构上加入自己的修正。
- From the point of view of human nature, the paper expounds Erich Fromm s critical social theory in respects of human freedom, human character, human living style and human alienation. 本论文从人性角度出发,分别从人的自由、人的性格、人的生存方式和人的异化等方面论述弗罗姆的批判的社会理论。
- Erich Fromm put forward that the criteria to judge a sane society was to see whether the society can meet the basic needs of human beings and accelerate the development of human beings. 摘要弗洛姆提出,判断社会是否健全的标准,是看社会能否满足人的基本精神需要,对人的发展是否具有促进作用。
- An Analysis of Erich Fromm's "Escape Freedom" 试论弗洛姆的"逃避自由"说
- ON Erich Fromm's Criticism to the Modern Western Society 论弗洛姆对现代西方社会的批判
- A Tentative Study on Erich Fromm's Humanistic Conscience 弗洛姆人道主义良心论
- On the Marxist Foundation of Erich Fromm's Sociology 弗罗姆社会心理学的理论基础
- A Brief Discussion of Erich Fromm'View of"The Nature of Human" 弗洛姆的"人的本性"说略探
- Review on Erich Fromm's Humanistic psychoanalysis theory 弗洛姆的人本主义精神分析理论述评
- The Road to Freedom--An Interpretation of Erich Fromm's Thought about Freedom 通向自由之路--弗洛姆自由思想解读
- To respect a person is not possible without knowing hime. ----Erich Fromm 不了解一个人却要尊重他,那是不可能的。----埃里克。拂洛姆
- PROF.: No. Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm [AIR-ik FRAHM] says, “To love a person 有些人把性行为称为‘做爱’。但性和爱是一样的吗?