- Epimedium dolichostemonn. 长蕊淫羊藿
- Epimedium macranthum Morr.et Decne. 大花淫羊藿
- Epimedium sagittatum(Sieb.et Zucc.)Maxim. 箭叶淫羊藿
- Plant community of Epimedium brevieornu Maxim. 淫羊藿群落
- Standardized Plant Extract Epimedium P.E. 淫羊藿提取物 Citrus Aurantium P.
- RESULTS 18 species small-flowered taxa of Epimedium L.were found in China. 结果中国有淫羊藿小花类群18种。
- Conclusion: Epimedium sagittatum had protective action for myocardial ischemia. 结论淫羊藿总苷对急性心肌缺血具有保护作用。
- To assay polysaccharides content of epimedium in different breed and source. [目的]定不同品种不同产地淫羊藿多糖的含量。
- Results: There are 27 species large-flowered taxa of Epimedium in China. 结果:中国有淫羊藿大花类群27种。
- Objective:To optimize the processing condition of electric roasting Epimedium of goats fat. 目的:优选羊脂油炙淫羊藿电烤工艺的最佳炮制条件。
- Objective: To study the analgesic effect of Herba Epimedium (HE) extract on a mouse model. 目的:探讨淫羊藿水提取液对小鼠的镇痛作用。
- AIM:To observe the effect of extract of Epimedium brevicornum on hemodynamics in anesthetic dogs. 目的:观察淫羊藿提取物对麻醉犬血流动力学的影响。
- ObjectiveTo study the antiinflammatory action of Epimedium processed by different methods on mice. 目的研究淫羊藿不同炮制方法对实验小鼠抗炎作用的影响。
- Objective To study the chemical components in the volatile oil from the leaf of Epimedium wushanense T. 目的研究巫山淫羊藿叶中挥发油的化学成分。
- A great deal of research implicate that Epimedium have obvious function at delay fatigue,improve physical performance. 研究结果显示,使用淫羊藿在抗疲劳、提高运动能力方面具有很好的效果。
- RESULTS The glycoside content of Epimedium was found the highest in leaves,the lowest in the stems. 结果淫羊藿苷在叶片中含量最高,地上茎最低。
- Objective: To introduce species and geographic distribution of large-flowered taxa of Epimedium L. in China. 目的:介绍中国淫羊藿大花类群的种类与地理分布。
- Objective:To study the central inhibitory effect of Herba Epimedium (HE) water extract. 目的:研究淫羊藿水提取液的中枢抑制作用。
- Title: Evolution of flavonoid biosynthetic pathway and prospect of its research in plants of Epimedium L. 关键词:黄酮类化合物;生物合成;进化;淫羊藿
- METHODS: The effects of different extracts of Epimedium Sagittatum Maxim. on the castrated mice were observed. 方法:观察箭叶淫羊藿炮制前后不同提取液对去势雄性小鼠副性器官发育的影响。