- An environmentally sensitive cladding system. 一套的环保的感光覆层系统?
- As the platform is located in an environmentally sensitive area, discharges to the sea must be carefully monitored. 由于钻井平台位于环境敏感区,必须严密监控向海洋中的排放物。
- Formate brines are especially fit for deep drilling and the environmentally sensitive areas. 特别适合于深井、不稳定泥页岩层及环境敏感地区的鉆井和完井。
- ExxonMobil is also a major supplier of environmentally sensitive turbine lubricants for China’s Three Gorges Dam. 埃克森美孚也是中国三峡大坝工程环境友好型涡轮机润滑油的主要供货商之一。
- Regulate temperature, humidity and remove harmful gas phase contaminants in environmentally sensitive areas. 调节温度、湿度,清除环境敏感区域中的有害气态污染物。
- Shell has a joint venture costing hundreds of millions of dollars on that environmentally sensitive Athabasca River. 迄今为止,壳牌已经向环境极其脆弱的阿萨巴斯卡河流地区投入了数亿美元的资金。
- Since 1988,keeping livestock in new towns and environmentally sensitive areas has been banned under the Waste Disposal Ordinance. 自一九八八年起,《废物处置条例》禁止在新市镇及易受污染的地区饲养禽畜。
- The absence of streamer fluid, even in the flexible end terminations, enables seismic operations in environmentally sensitive areas. 由于拖缆中没有液体,即使是在柔性的尾段也没有液体,这使得在环境敏感地区也能实施地震作业。
- Since 1988, keeping livestock in new towns and environmentally sensitive areas has been banned under the Waste Disposal Ordinance. 自一九八八年起,《废物处置条例》禁止在新市镇及易受污染的地区饲养禽畜。
- For example, suppose the Department of Transportation planned to fund construction of a highway through an environmentally sensitive area such as a wildlife preserve. 例如,假如运输部计划投资兴建一条穿越环境敏感地区(如野生动物保护区)的高速公路。
- Introduction of a new policy for the identification of key environmentally sensitive areas to be prioritised for local investment, establishment of new employment etc. 指定政策来确定环境关键区域,并指导当地的投资。
- The Farm is split between grass fields and rough grazing ground and with no arable.We have Less Favoured Area Status and are in the Environmentally Sensitive Area of Exmoor. 书好比女人,一个人拿到一本新书,翻阅时自会有见到一个处女一样怜香惜玉的好感,因为至少这本书里的内容他是第一个读到的;
- Due to unique torque closure of its'seat, the Velan Bolted Bonnet Knife Gate Valve is an ideal solution for low pressure, high cycling, environmentally sensitive services and bidirectional applications. 由于采用独特的阀座扭矩关闭,Velan螺栓阀帽刀闸阀特别适用于低压、开启关闭频繁、环保要求高、双向流动的应用环境。
- AbstractThe costal zone includes sea field and land field results in high interaction between sea and land.It is belong to environmental sensitive areas. 海岸地区由于其包含海域与陆域,深受陆海的交互作用,是属于生态敏感的地带。
- He is insensitive to the environment. 他对环境感觉不敏锐。
- She is not used to the new environment. 她对新环境不习惯。
- Children need a happy home environment for their healthy growth. 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。
- Children need a happy home environment. 孩子需要一个幸福的家庭环境。
- He made a quick adaptation to the new environment. 他很快适应了新的环境。
- I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment. 我在陌生环境总觉不自在。