- Environmental Studies Board 环境研究局
- The Guide is brought to you by the Environmental Studies Program at Rensselaer. “环境与社会网络资源指南”提供了免费的、全面的有关环境研究的网络资源。
- Forest and Environment Research Institute : courses for the graduates of Yale College, awarding the Master's forests, forest M.Sc., environmental studies and a master's degree and doctorate in forest. 森林与环境研究学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授森林学硕士、森林科学硕士、环境研究硕士以及森林学博士学位。
- In a session titled “Health, Environment and Social Change in China,” Michael McElroy, Gilbert Butler Professor of Environmental Studies, presented on possibilities for wind-generated electricity. 在名为“中国公共卫生、环境及社会变化”的环节中,环境学GilbertButler讲席教授MichaelMcElroy就风能发电的可能性进行了演讲。
- Even before the Naval Studies Board, the Penn State lab had investigated nonlethal weapons and concluded that such calmative gases could work safely. 事实上在海军研究局之前,宾州大的实验室就已经开始研究非致命性武器,并且也确认了这类镇静气体可以在无致命之虞的情况下发挥作用。
- The Space Studies Board is investigating how to hold on to the grants and smaller missions by delaying or downgrading the bigger fry. 使他们大部分人感到愤愤不平的是他们以为我们从某种程度上贬低了那位科学家,没给予他应有的地位。
- She goes to classes of all kinds, from health foods to English literature, from environmental studies to karate. 参加开办的各种课程,从健康食品到英国文学、从环境学习到空手道,她们无所不学;
- Department of Earth and Environmental Studies, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, USA. 导师:冯兆东教授,美国蒙·特科莱州立大学。
- It provides photogrammetric mapping services for engineering design work, earthwork volume calculations, environmental studies and town planning work. 该小组为工程设计、土方工程体积计算、环保研究及城市设计提供摄影制图服务。
- It provides photogrammetric mapping services for engineering design work,earthwork volume calculations,environmental studies and town planning work. 该小组为工程设计、土方工程体积计算、环保研究及城市设计提供摄影制图服务。
- Sladen invited us to fly a flock to the Airlie Centre, near Warrenton, Va., where he is director of environmental studies. 斯来登要求我们把一群野天鹅引飞到弗吉尼亚州沃伦顿付近的艾兰中心区。他是当地环境研究所主任。
- On-Site Waste Water Treatment System Testing and Certification Program - offered by the Baylor University Department of Environmental Studies. 现场废水处理系统检测和证明项目。
- To my left are the opponents: the four debaters are separately from the natural sciences, the Biology department and from Urban Environmental Studies. 坐在左边的是反方,四位边手分别来自理科的生物系,城环系。
- Migratory shore birds are starving and at least two species face extinction as a result of a huge South Korean land reclamation project, two environmental studies said. 有报告指出,韩国大规模的土地复垦项目已使迁徙性的岸禽遭受极端的缺乏食物,使得至少两种这样的水鸟已濒临灭绝的威胁。
- J. Srebric, Chen, Q, L. R. Glicksman,“A Couple Airflow and Energy Simulation Program for Indoor Thermal Environmental Studies,” ASHRAR Transactions, Vol.106, Pt.1, 2000. 谢明峰,空调低温送风不结露扩散器之设计研究,硕士论文,国立台北科技大学电机与能源研究所,台北,1999。
- SaintMary's offers many unique programs including Forensic Science,Environmental Studies, International Development Studies, AsianStudies, and Criminology. 圣玛丽提供了许多独特的节目,其中包括法医科学,环境研究,国际发展研究,亚洲研究和犯罪。
- Sweden is a world leader in the arena of public and private sector environmental reform. Stockholm University has a prominent roll in the field of environmental studies in Sweden. 瑞典在公共及私营部门的环境改造方面是世界领先者。斯德哥尔摩大学在瑞典的环境研究领域有着杰出的贡献。
- LAURA ALEX FREY-LEVINE , a native of Lexington, Ky, USA, is a 2008 Master of Environmental Science degree candidate at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental studies. 生长在美国的Lexington,Ky的LauraAlexFrey-Levine是耶鲁大学森林与环境研究学院2008级环境科学硕士。她拥有Smith学院地质学学位。
- "This movie takes a grain of truth and turns into a mountain of apocalypse," says Patrick Michaels, a senior fellow in environmental studies with the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank. "这部影片抓住了一点点事实,就将其演变为巨大的灾难,"自由论者团体"加图协会"的高级环保研究员帕特里克·迈克尔说。
- He is insensitive to the environment. 他对环境感觉不敏锐。