- Entry sand bar 河口砂坝
- A small sand bar at the mouth of the river is the ideal place to fish. 河口上的小沙洲是捕鱼的理想之所。
- Sand bar sub-facies of lagoon, front delta, sheet sandstone of offshore sea are the best sedimentary facies belts for the oil &gas accumulation. 泻湖相堡坝亚相、三角洲相前缘亚相以及滨海相席状砂亚相是砂岩储层分布和发育的最有利相带。
- The reservoirs are mainly sand bar deltic frontal sand body and fine and siltstone. 储集层以西北部的沙堰三角洲前缘砂体、粉细砂岩为主;
- The research result shows that the basic conditions for tidal bore formation are the funnel-shaped Hangzhou Bay and sand bar rising. 研究结果表明,形成涌潮的基本条件是杭州湾平面喇叭口形态使潮差增大和沿程沙坎的抬升。
- So that the main force (micro) facies is shallow lascustrine sand bar, sheet sand, deep-lake fans, braided channel and slump turbidite fans. 浅湖砂坝、席状砂、深湖浊积扇、深湖+浊积砂、辫状河水道和滑塌浊积扇是达尔其油田主力产油沉积(微)相。
- There are developed reservoirs with middle high porosity and permeability in the beach sand bar and littoral delta bar of estuary, foreshore-nearshore facies. 刚性颗粒组分含量高和塑性颗粒组分含量低、分选好、古地温低、溶蚀作用是东河砂岩形成中高孔、渗储层的主要原因,这也是该套储层的重要特徵。
- Depositional features of two kinds of reservoir sandbody (loch sand bar, sheet sand) in upper Es 4 of Boxing subsag are described from the analysis of single well facies profile. 从单井相剖面分析出发,对博兴洼陷沙四段上亚段滨浅湖砂坝、席状砂两种储集砂体的沉积特征进行描述。
- There are six depositional systems classfied for the depression: alluvial fan, underwater fan, fan delta, fluvial, shore-shallow lake sand bar and deep-lake depositional system. 查干凹陷发育六大沉积体系:冲积扇体系、河流体系、水下扇体系、扇三角洲体系、滨浅湖砂坝体系、深湖体系。
- The paper reviews the progress in the researches on beach states, beach groundwater dynamics, sand bar dynamics, coastal dunes and nearshore processes in the sandy coast. 本文着重论述了在砂质海岸演变研究中,海滩状态,海滩地下水动力,砂坝动力学,海岸沙丘,近岸带过程等方面研究进展。
- There were no coastal sand bar formation process for generating the Qilihai lagoon, and its predecessor is a deflation low-lying land formed during the last stage of late Pleistocene, so the Qilihai lagoon is not a lagoon scientifically. 七里海也不是科学意义上的潟湖,它没有形成海岸沙坝这一潟湖形成的过程,其前身是晚更新世末期由风暴活动形成的风蚀洼地。
- On the basis of field observation and relative data analysis,sediment source,morphologic characteristics,causes of sand bar and stability of the coast of Gwadar Harbor of Pakistan is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively from geomorphology. 在现场踏勘及有关资料分析的基础上 ,从地貌学角度 ,对巴基斯坦瓜达尔港海岸泥沙来源、海岸地貌特征及连岛沙坝的成因和稳定性等进行了定和定量分析
- In Huiquan Bay beach, the sediments are transported towards southeast from the high tide line to the sandbar, while towards northwest from the crest of sand bar to its offshore flank. 汇泉湾海水浴场由高潮线到沙坝的沉积物输运方向为南东向,沙坝向海一翼的沉积物输运方向为北西向;
- He has applied for an entry visa. 他已申请入境签证。
- Owing to the reduced sediment and artificial revetment, sand bar is aggraded vertically, and becomes thin in longitude.The shape of estuarine transverse section becomes narrow-deep. 由于上游来沙量减少、人工护岸的作用下,河口口门断面趋于窄深。
- There's no entry in his diary for that day. 他的日记上没有那一天的记录。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- Defilements are like sand bars or stumps in a river that will keep our boat from getting to shore. 杂染好比河中的沙洲与暗桩,它们会阻碍我们的船靠岸。
- You can leave your umbrella in the entry. 雨伞可放在入口处。
- The entry of the cave was hidden by trees. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。