- He speaks English like a real Englishman. 他说起英语来像是一个真正的英国人。
- He speaks English like an American. 他讲英语像一个美国人。
- Can a stored procedure call a trigger? 存储过程中能否调用触发器?
- He speaks English like an Englishman. 他讲英语就像英国人一样。
- You are speaking American English like a native! 你这美式英语说得真道地。
- Invalid asynchronous remote procedure call handle. 无效的异步远程过程调用句柄。
- The remote procedure call was cancelled. 远程过程调用被取消。
- The stub is unable to get the remote procedure call handle. 承接体无法获得远程过程调用句柄。
- Of course, we often practise English like this. Come and join us. 当然了,我们经常这样练英语。来参加我们的活动吧。
- He memorized whatever was written in English like a madman. 他就像着了魔似地把英语材料统统背下来。
- A block, with or without formal parameters, the execution of which is invoked by means of a procedure call. (编程语言中)带有或不带有参数的块,其执行是由过程调用所请求的。
- A recursive call is when a procedure calls itself. 当过程调用自身时,将发生递归调用。
- An SPN is registered using a remote procedure call (RPC). SPN是使用远程过程调用(RPC)进行注册的。
- The SCM process is a remote procedure call (RPC) server service. SCM进程是一个远程过程调用(RPC)服务器服务。
- Why is learning English like a light gentle wind to a smart student? 对聪明的学生来说,学英语就像一阵微风?
- Installing Remote Procedure Call Configuration service. 正在安装远程进程调用配置服务。
- He talks English like a gentleman, and he wears the right sort of things. 他讲起英语像个有教养的人一样,而且穿戴得规规矩矩。
- You can use shared memory or a remote procedure call (RPC). 可以使用共享内存或远程过程调用(RPC)。
- A remote procedure call (RPC) protocol error occurred. 远程过程调用(RPC)协议出错。
- The binding handles passed to a remote procedure call do not match. 传送给远程过程调用的绑定句柄不匹配。