- Yesterday afternoon, a bag was left in the back of a taxi by Mrs Jane Webb, an English tourist. 昨天下午,英国藉游客简?维伯女士将手提包遗失在出租车后座上。
- English tourist Dean Kershaw, visiting the Christmas markets in Brussels with his family, is no fan of the European Union. 在布鲁塞尔的圣诞市场上和家人一起流览的英国的游客迪恩.;科尔萧,对欧盟也不感冒。
- Rated 3 Diamonds by the English Tourist Board and the AA, Wigmore Court offers individually designed rooms, with classical decor and a TV. 每间客房均时髦、现代化而豪华,拥有名牌家具、洁净的棉织床单和地板铺设了抛光花岗岩的西西里大理石浴室。
- The English tourist of the early part of the century frequently went to considerable pains and expense to ship to the continent horses and coaches, the latter often luxuriously appointed. 19世纪早期的旅行者经常不厌其烦、不惜血本地将马和教练船运至欧洲大陆,而后者的雇佣成本通常很高。
- We now have very good evidence that English tourists are obsessed with Fucking. 我们现在能完全证明:英国旅游者常常为‘性爱’而痴狂。
- The boy was Capering dersively, with obscene unambiguous gestures, before a party of English tourists. 这个顽童在一群英国旅游客人面前用明显下流的动作可笑地蹦蹦跳跳着。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- When did you begin learning English? 你何时开始学习英语的?
- Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. 永远不要放弃提高你英语水平的机会。
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- It is worth while to learn English. 学英文是值得的。
- Ferryboats ply across the English Channel. 渡船定期往返于英吉利海峡。
- Yuan Yuan: policewoman, tourist, helping, English. 充分体现了教学的重点所在。
- Can you translate the sentence into English? 你能把这句话翻译成英语吗?
- She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英语。
- John is English and the rest of us are Welsh. 我们当中,约翰是英格兰人,其余的都是威尔斯人。
- Her father was an English aristocrat. 她的父亲曾是英国贵族。
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。