- Engineer Corps Training Center 工程兵部队培训中心
- Royal Armoured Corps Training Center 皇家装甲兵训练中心
- West Coast Air Corps Training Center 西海岸空军部队训练中心
- Canadian Armored Corps Training Center 加拿大装甲兵训练中心
- Air Corps Training Center 飞行中队训练中心
- Marine Corps Training Center 陆战队训练中心
- Signal Corps Training Center 通信兵训练中心
- If possible, you are expected to train our specialist in your training center. 如果可能的话,希望能在贵方的培训中心训练我方专业人员。
- Beijing Melucky Magnetoelectric Engineering Corp. 北京市门吉利磁电工程研究所。
- China state construction engineering corp. 英语提问:中国建筑集团总公司。
- A: I'm studying English at a training center. 我现在在一个培训中心学英语。
- They will set up a new training center. 他们要成立一个新的培训中心。
- Welcome to Bright Future English Training Center! 欢迎来到光明未来英语培训中心!
- We made every effort to step up the building of our artillery and engineer corps. 我们做了极大努力,加速炮兵及工兵部队的建设。
- Welcome to Shanghai EET English Training Center Co. 欢迎您!光临上海英修培训中心网站!
- I am also a counselor of this training center. 我也是这所训练中心的顾问。
- The bridge was hit directly . It is being repaired by engineering corps . 桥被直接命中,工兵正在抢修。
- General Manager of China State Construction Engineering Corp. 中国建筑工程总公司总经理。
- A city of eastern North Carolina near the Atlantic Ocean north-northeast of Wilmington. Camp Lejune,a U.S. Marine Corps training base,is nearby. Population,30,013. 杰克逊维尔北卡罗来纳州东部一城市,靠近大西洋并处于威尔明顿市的东北偏北。勒热纳军营,一个美国海军陆战队训练基地,就在其附近。人口30,013。
- The bridge was hit directly . It is being repaired by engineering corps. 桥被直接命中,工兵正在抢修。