- 1907至1914之间,他们掠走了34箱绢轴国画和其他艺术品。Between 1907 and 1914 they carried away 34 cases of silk scroll paintings and other works of art.
- 我们的统计应该是:迁到美国的斯拉夫移民总数,从1881到1914大约为六百万人。We must reckon the total Slavic immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1914 at about 6, 000, 000.
- 我们的统计应该是:迁到美国的斯拉夫移民总数,从1881到1914大约为六百万人。We must reckon the total Slavic immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1914 at about 6, 000, 000
- end状态end state
- 魏斯曼,奥古斯特·弗雷德里希·利奥波德1834-1914德国生物学家。他认为遗传特征是由胚层原生质传递的German biologist who asserted that hereditary characteristics are transmitted by a germinal plasm.
- END-2细胞END-2 cell
- 第一次世界大战(1914)过程中的战斗,激烈但是非决定性的协约国和德国人都努力冲破其他的防线。Battle in World War I (1914),heavy but indecisive fighting as the Allies and the Germans both tried to break through the lines of the others.
- 确保至少包含End Function、End Sub或End Property语句。Be sure to include at least the End Function, End Sub, or End Property statement.
- End-Hall源RFCVD
- Urdu作家象Rajender Singh Bedi和Krishn Chander 1914-1977显示了承诺对马克思主义的哲学在他们的文字。Urdu writers like Rajender Singh Bedi and Krishn Chander 1914-1977 CE showed commitment to the Marxist philosophy in their writings.
- 值为NULL会导致测试失败并且不执行if.end if语句中的代码。A value of NULL fails the test and the code inside the if. End if statement is not executed.
- 如果没有启用实时调试,Stop语句的行为如同End语句,终止执行。If Just-in-Time debugging is not enabled, the Stop statement behaves as if it were an End statement, terminating execution.
- 皮尔斯,查尔斯·桑德斯1839-1914美国哲学家、数学家和科学家,是创建实用主义的科学家之一且对逻辑学的发展作出了很多贡献。American mathematician and astronomer known for his studies of Uranus,Neptune,and Saturn's rings.
- 所有程序都用专用字begin(开始)表示开始,用end(结束)表示结束。All programs start with the special word begin and finish with end.
- 所有程序都用专用字begin(开始)表示开始,用end(结束)表示结束。All programs start with the special word begin and finish with end.
- 编译器忽略end.后的文本Text after final 'END.' - Ignored by compiler
- Far-End STP 必须是 NOSTPthe Far-End STP must be NOSTP
- 使用Exit函数或End函数返回值To return a value using Exit Function or End Function
- 只要升级END块就万事具备了!Just upgrade the END block, and you re in business!
- 古代城邦的兴衰end现代英汉词典The rise and decline of an ancient city-state. End