- View Point of Kodak Polychrome Graphics (China) Co. Ltd. 柯达保丽光印艺(中国)有限公司展品及技术看点
- Affective wellhead was bred to be polychrome life and sincere life! 情感的水源,孕育了多彩的生活,至诚的生命!
- The embroidery clothing, polychrome brocades and silk ribbons are peculiar. <刺绣服装、丝绸、缎带恍若风轻特有.
- Make sure that the color shall be a light tan,and also some of the pieces can be polychrome. 请注意,其颜色最好为淡黄色或稍配有多种色彩的。
- The tomb has a unique architectural decor, with polychrome half-human, half-plant caryatids and painted murals. 古墓内有独特的建筑装饰、彩饰的半人半植物女像柱和各种壁画。
- Any praise can't describ her brilliance landscape, polychrome cultures and virtuous people! 任何溢美之词都不足以形容她美丽风景,灿烂的文明和善良淳朴的人民!
- Make sure.that the color shall be a light tan,and also some of the pieces can be polychrome. 请注意,其颜色最好为淡黄色或稍配有多种色彩的。
- Birds and flowers in polychrome lacquer lined with gold. 2. Coromandel lacquer piece with KuanVin figure and child. 上图:红漆地锦地密陀绘金理钩花鸟。下图:黑地刻漆童子拜观音。
- Make sure that the color shall be a light tan, and also some of the pieces can be polychrome . 请注意,其颜色最好为淡黄色或稍配有多种色彩的。
- Here, the drab life of study combines with the polychrome life, happiness and growth are the main contents. 这里枯燥的学习和多彩的生活有机地结合,快乐和成长是核心内容。
- A very rare, delicately made XuanDe ware called wucai (five colours) is decorated in a vividly coloured underglaze blue and polychrome overglaze. 所烧五彩彩料浓重鲜艳,制作十分精妙,传世极为稀少。
- The first, a polychrome, fish-like object swims through the front window, displaying the menu and welcoming diners into the restaurant. 首先,彩色的鱼状雕塑游动于窗前,向食客展示着菜肴,欢迎着食客到店内小坐。
- Hibiscus syriacus wood, polychrome ware and sculptures combining three materials clocks because high technological content is difficult to imitate. 椴木、彩瓷与铸铜三种材质相结合的钟表,因为技术含量甚高,更是难以仿制。
- The adjustable spreading holder and adjustable fabric-feed inclination make straight lines and smooth rolling fabric after scutching polychrome cloth. 使用可调试展布架,可调节下布之倾角,使得彩条布匹开幅后线条笔直卷布平整。
- I read this book, and very excited to his inflexible life, so that I very cherish that the pithy and polychrome sunflower painting he drew. 我读了这本书,为他执著的生涯所感动,因此更宝贵他那画得含蓄多姿的向日葵。
- Varying from brown to red, from ochre to pink and purple, these polychrome dunes are the results of a rare geological phenomenon. 园内土壤从棕色到红色再从赭色到紫色,这个多彩的土丘产是一种罕见地质现象。
- Here is the kibutz of Sani person,legendary hometown of Ashi Ma.vagarious nature landscape and polychrome nationality amorous feelings,make people inebriety in it. 奇特的自然景色与多彩的民族风情交相辉映,令人陶醉期间。
- This is a warm winter. The tender wind opens your heart. The song of love flies to your sky. Let's create the warm resplendence together, and greet the polychrome spring. 今年是个暖冬,借柔和的风扣开你心扉,把爱的歌声絮语在你心空放飞。让我们共同创造温暖的辉煌,迎接万紫千红的春天。
- On the other hand a black and white work modified by a partial toning or by the addition of one colour becomes a colour work (polychrome) to stand in a colour category. 黑白作品(单一颜色)如经过部份修改而达至增加一种或以上的颜色,将被认定为彩色作品组别。
- For the dividing vertical elements polychrome gold cristal, which reflects multiple tonalities depending on light and perspective, and metal lattice were used. 流苏垂直状的水晶灯流光溢彩,由于格子金属架的应用,能够随着灯光和角度的不同展现出多重的颜色。