- En masses conveyor 埋刮板输送机
- en mass conveyor 埋刮板输送机
- The Joneses are coming for lunch en masse all twelve of them! 琼斯一大家子人都来吃午饭--一共十二口人!
- The audience cheered en masse the moment they saw the famous singer appear on the stage. 观众们看见这位著名歌唱家出现在舞台上时,立即齐声欢呼起来。
- Individually the children are delightful; en masse they can be unbearable. 孩子们单独时还讨人喜欢,一多了就受不了了。
- The riders in points race start en masse. 计分赛的车手们一起出发。
- At this time humans are reliving this Pleiadian dream en mass and global wide. 在此时,人类正在全体一道在全球重新经历这一昴宿星梦想。
- The young folk were emigrating en masse. 年轻人大批移居国外。
- They walked out en masse in protest against the police atrocities. 他们全都罢工,抗议警察的暴行。
- The peace activists marched en masse to the capitol. 和平激进分子全体游行到议会大厦
- It is most magnificent to behold, and the red race is repairing themselves en mass of their own fall in consciousness. 这是非常波澜壮阔的图景,红族正在从其自身意识的下跌中全体自我修复。
- This is how the en masse evolution of human beings will take place. 这样人类集体的进化便成为可能。
- The audience applauded en masse upon the completion of his speech. 他的演讲博得了全场观众的热烈掌声。
- Republican members of the House walked out en masse today. 他们试图迫使民主党为一项参议院提案投票。
- The only species not striving en mass to also integrate the unconscious is the human species. 只有一个物种没有也来努力整合无意识,这就是人类物种。
- Instead of evacuating and relocating to Earth, the Sirians chose to ascend en mass to another dimension of life. 不过(后来)天狼星人非但没有撤离而迁居到地球,相反选择集体提升到另一个生命维度。
- Each species must choose to ascend en mass, or the ascension of the whole becomes compromised. 每一物种必须选择全体提升,否则整体的提升就会被危害。
- Humans are so predisposed to worship that they give their power away to whomever they put upon a pedestal both individually and en mass. 人类是如此倾向于膜拜,以至于将自己的力量奉献给任何一名他们个人或集体支持的人类身上。
- The dinosaur, like others of electrical nature, overran all other species, reproducing en mass and then went on to consume everything. 恐龙,就象其他电性种类一样,蹂躏所有其它的物种,大规模繁殖随后去吃光每一样事物。
- On the approach Of the enemy, the inhaBitants fled: from the city en masse. 敌人即将到来,市民们大批逃离这个城市。