- Back in 1784, American merchant ship the " Empress of China" came a long way to China. 一七八四年,美国商船“中国皇后号”远航到中国。
- He first travelled to China on Empress of China, and spent more than ten years working the same route, dying at sea on a return trip in 1794. 他第一次去中国乘的是“中国皇后号”,然后在这条路线上工作了十多年,最后死在1794年的一次返回途中。
- Several other pieces are connected to a single ship, the Empress of China, which in 1784 became the first American vessel to trade directly with China. 其他几件瓷器则同一艘船有关,这就是“中国皇后号”,它在1784年成为了第一艘直接同中国贸易的美国舰船。
- British traders at Canton may have laughed at the tiny size of American ships which followed the Empress of China but most of them made money, and a few made profits which were almost unbelievable. 看过中国皇后号之后,在广东的英国人可能会嘲笑美国人相较之下小到不行的船只,但是这些船大部分都赚钱,有些甚至海削到让你不敢相信。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- Empress of three year I want to take my thing. 三年后我要来拿我的东西。
- Is a feudal emperor and Empress of the residence. 是封建帝王与后妃居住之所。
- October first is the National Day of China. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。
- Xi'an is a city in the interior of China. 西安是一个内陆城市。
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。
- He is an eminent citizen of China. 他是一个杰出的中国公民。
- Queen Victoria was proclaimed empress of India in Delhi. 年的今天,维多利亚女王在印度德里被宣布为印度的女皇。
- I thought I was talking to the last empress dowager of China. 我还以为我在跟中国的末代太后说话呢。
- Myanmar is to the south of China. 缅甸在中国的南面。
- This piece of china is beyond my purse. 这件瓷器我买不起。
- Japan lies to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。
- His name is inseparable with the history of China. 他的名字和中国历史是分不开的。
- CPC stands for the Communist Party of China. CPC是中国共产党的英文名称缩写。
- The Republic of China was born in 1912. 中华民国诞生于一九一二年。
- A rare collection of china will be up for sale next month. 有一批珍贵的瓷器将于下月出售。