- I was honestly surprised by just how effective the Burrows-Wheeler algorithm was when I started empirical testing. 当我开始凭经验测试时,我实在惊奇Burrows-Wheeler算法的有效性。
- Scientists subject their theories to potential falsification through rigorous empirical testing. 科学家们通过反复严格实验去伪存真。
- The pedagogical discipline construction relies on "theories and hypotheses", the pedagogical school construction depends on "empirical testing". 教育学的学科建设主要靠“立论”,教育学的学派建设主要靠“实证”。
- The result of empirical test testifies existence of reflexivity mechanism of forming process of corporation value. 实证结果证明了公司价值形成反身机制的存在性。
- To test the actual effect of CMT in vocabulary teaching, an empirical test is designed and carried out in class. 同时本文中设计了一项实证性测试来检验概念隐喻在英语词汇教学中运用的可行性。
- Moreover, we also had done the related work on the comparison and empirical test of the refinance modes. 同时,在此基础上对上市公司再融资方式进行了比较分析和实证研究。
- According to the data from the measurement, the author makes an empirical test on ES hypothesis and SCP hypothesis. 根据所测得的效率数据,对有效结构假说和结构行为绩效假说进行实证检验。
- Empirical test shows that this approach outperforms the genetic algorithm and classification tree method. 实证分析表明,该方法比单独使用分类树方法或遗传算法的分类准确率高。
- We derived a model directly from Fujita, Krugman, and Venables (FKV, 2000) and linked it with the empirical testing model in Davis and Weinstein (1996 and 1999). 本文直接从Fujita,Krugman and Venables(2000)一文中推导出经验检验模型,并把该模型与Davis and Weinstein(1996,1999)中的经验检验模型联系起来。
- Most often, they rely on a mix of sociology and empirical testing to see whether quirky ideas can make technology useful to those who have heretofore lived without it. 其他人则仔细研究称为满江红的一种水生蕨类,希望用它喂牛能提高牛乳产量。
- However, Hochschild(1983)clearly acknowledged that her categorzation of job requiring emotional labor was merely suggestive and needed further empirical testing. 但是,霍施尔德很明显承认他对需要情绪劳动的工种进行的分类仅仅是个建议,还需要更多的实验研究。
- By the empirical test, we find the homebuyers' subsidy policy could stable housing price level, but it will enlarge the oversupply problem. 研究发现,购屋补贴政策具有稳定房价的效应,但是将会使得空屋问题持续扩大或延续。
- The Empirical Test Results Indicate East Asia's Economy Show Some Convergence Recently but not distinctly.East Asia Have Long Road to Reach Mon... 实证结果表明东亚经济体出现了一定的趋同,但并不明显,与货币一体化的要求有很大的距离,东亚实现统一货币的道路还很漫长。
- And this is proved by the empirical test on the pricing interval of SEO through the Multifactor Pricing Model built in this paper. 对此,文章通过建立多因素定价模型对增发的询价区间进行了实证检验,证明了上述观点。
- Through an empirical test of the stock market and economic growth of our country, it is known that monetary policy and capital market have an interactive relationship. 通过我国股票市场与经济增长的实证检验可知,货币政策与资本市场是一种互动关系。
- The empirical test results show that there is "expectation puzzle" in the test,long-term rates overact to the market shock,and so the expectations hypothesis cannot hold in China. 检验结果表明,我国利率期限结构的预期假设检验出现了“预期迷惑”现象,我国长期利率对市场冲击发生过度反应,利率期限结构预期假设不成立。
- At last, this paper brings forward relative policies of and suggestion on our using FDI on the basis of the above theoretical analysis and empirical test. 最后,本文在前面理论分析和实证检验的基础上,对当前我国利用外商直接投资提出了相应的对策和建议。
- Lin,T.C. and Evan,A.W., An Empirical Test of the Relationship between the Price of Land and Size of Plot, Annual Meeting of American Real Estate Society, Santa Barbara, USA. 黄佳铃(2005)从房地价格分离探讨地价指数及公告土地现值评估,政治大学地政学系硕士论文。
- Empirical tests using surveys of the 1998 Legislative Yuan election and the 2003 TEDS support the theoretical predictions. 在实证的研究上,本文透过1998第四届立委访问调查资料以及2003TEDS调查资料,来支持理论的预测。
- Then it constructs empirical test model using the relation between corporation value anticipation and real value creation of corporation, and verifies the correlativity of market value and internal value. 用公司价值预期与公司1真实的价值创造之间的关系来建立实证模型,检验公司市场价值与内在价值之间的相关性。