- On aesthetic delight by the british empirical aesthetics 英国经验主义美学论审美趣味
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- Employment of empirical methods, as in science. 经验方法的运用,例如在科学中
- Geometrical theorems grew out of empirical methods. 几何定理是从经验得出的。
- British empirical aesthetics 英国经验派美学
- Empirical Aesthetics 经验主义美学
- This is the aesthetics subordinated to politics. 这是那种隶属于政治的美学观。
- I'm going to read around the subject of aesthetics. 我打算阅读美学方面的书。
- The empirical analysis supports the hypotheses. 实证分析提供证据支持理论假说。
- Unboundedness has a greater empirical credibility. 无界性有更大的经验可信性。
- What on Earth Does Aesthetics Research? 美学究竟研究什么?
- The Sprint phase is an empirical process. 冲刺阶段是一个完全根据经验的过程。
- Founded on experience; empirical. 实证的建立在实验基础上的;全凭实验的
- Aesthetics of Literature and Art ? 文艺美学
- But fundamentally, it was an act of aesthetics. 但它归根结蒂是一项审美活动,
- Hegel held that the object of aesthetics was art. 黑格尔认为美学的对象主要是艺术。
- Empirical studies in institutional change II. 制度变革的经验研究2。
- Analysis Of Aesthetics Of Competitive P.E. 竞技体育的美学分析。
- Many empirical results supported the hypothesis. 很多经验性结论都可证 明假设成立.
- Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 美学和艺术评论杂志。