- Are you going to let your emotional life be run by Time Magazine? 你是想让时代杂志控制你的感情生活吧?
- Henceforth, brokers say zhou will soft-pedalling emotional life, not fake. 看来,经纪人说从今以后周迅会低调处理感情生活的说法,一点不假。
- It refines and corrects and gives a style to our emotional life, and does so swiftly, with power. 它迅速而有力地净化和矫正着我们的感情生活,赋予它一种正当的模式。
- Nostalgia is one kind of imaginative time recalls, one kind of emotional life experience, one kind of poetic survival art. 摘要怀旧是一种想象化的时光追忆,一种情感化的生命体验,一种诗意化的生存艺术。
- Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart. 如果伴侣正在改变主意你的情感生活就会悬而不决。
- Survival is key in the harsh lower depths of Detroit, and for many the current emotional life preserver is hip hop. 对底特律的中下阶级市民来说,他们每天都必须面对生存下去的残酷现实,而他们发泄情绪最好的方法就是透过饶舌歌。
- It refines and corrects and gives a to our emotional life, and does so swiftly, with power. 它迅速而有力的澄清着、矫正着我们的感情生活,赋予它以一种正当的模式。
- It may be that in pursuing Wright’s emotional life, Boyle scants his intellect and artistic genius. 或许在挖掘赖特感情生活的过程中,博伊尔遗漏了他智力与艺术上的天才一面。
- To put our emotional life in order, we have to find out ways to soothe our worries or anxieties. 要理顺我们的感情生活,我们必须找到方法来平息我们的忧虑和担心。
- Put your energy into your work or moneymaking ventures rather than into your emotional life this week. 本周,把精力放在工作或是赚钱上,而不是放在感情方面。
- MSU is such a place and I have been doing this since I came to America, study, future, emotional life... 那些早一些能定下适合自己的目标并为之努力的人是真正明智的,强悍的,也是幸福的。一直想自己要成为什么样的人,觉得自己没有一个长远的为之奋斗的目标。
- Musicality is a "secondary image" in poetry and an important way to form emotional life images of poetry. 音乐性正是诗歌中的一个“二级幻象”,它是形成诗歌情感生活幻象的重要方式。
- All the same, no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression. 实际上,没有一个善于思考的人会拒绝接受他们的第一个观点:即情感生活的巨大变化要求表达方式也随之变化。
- All the same,no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression. 实际上,没有一个善于思考的人会拒绝接受他们的第一个观点:即情感生活的巨大变化要求表达方式也随之变化。
- It is a sober but bitter medicine for modem people indulging in the pursuit of benefits, and makes up for ballast in utilitarians' emotional life. “孔颜乐处”对于沉溺于功利境界的当代人来说是一剂清醒的良药,它弥补着功利主义者情感生活的空虚。
- Faithfulness is to the emotional life what consistency is to the life of the intellect - simply a confession of failures. 忠诚之对于感性的生命正如浓烈之对于理智的生命,都只不过是失败的告白。
- Put your energy into your work or moneymaking ventures rather than into your emotional life this week.Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. 把精力放在工作或赚钱上,不要在情感上消耗过多。
- He provides a panoramic account of social and emotional life in 1940s Italy, with a stress on trauma, dislocation and brutishness. 他描绘了一幅20世纪40年代意大利社会和情感生活的全景图,突出了当时社会的伤痛,混乱和狂野。
- On the 17th, you might find a whole new schema for organizing your closets and your home office and your emotional life. 17号的时候,你可能会找到新的方法来整理衣柜,整理办公室,整理自己的感情生活。
- In the capital expansion of our emotional life into their day-to-day operation of the process, the nature of aesthetic experience has fundamentally changed. 在资本的扩张使我们的日常感性生活纳入其运作过程之后,审美经验的性质已经从根本上发生改变。