- Emergency Repair Patty Team 应急修理小队
- The emergency repair diskette was saved successfully. 急修复磁盘已成功保存了。
- It theoretically and practically summarizes the gist of emergency repair of tunnel shaft bearing of ships. 从理论和实践两个方面概括了应急修理中间轴承的要点。
- Five fire engines and power supply, water supply emergency repair personnel rushed to the scene of the fire. 5辆消防车及供电、供水抢修人员迅速赶到火灾现场。
- The idea is basically a steam punk robot named P-N01 on emergency repair by a cute techy girl named Lucy. (这个作品的基本创意是一个名为P-N01的蒸汽机器人正在被名为Lucy的女孩紧急修理中。
- A spacewalking astronaut ventures beneath shuttle Discovery's belly and successfully completes an unprecedented emergency repair. 一位在太空行走的宇航员冒险置身于发现号航天飞机下腹,圆满地完成了一次史无前例的紧急维修任务。
- And efficient service, a 24-hour standby emergency repair, skilled service personnel to promptly solve the various problems mechanical diseases. 快捷的服务,24小时随时待命抢修,技术精湛的服务人员能及时解决各类疑难机械杂症。
- Check first to see what emergency repairs may be necessary. 先查看一下也许需求停止必要的紧急修补。
- Some infants will be very sick, requiring care in the intensive care unit (ICU) prior to the procedure, and could possibly even need emergency repair of the coarctation. 狭窄越是严重,患儿将有更显著症状,并且会较早的发现问题,有些病例,在婴儿期就发现有缩窄。
- Fast response for emergency repairs and communicate with production. 紧急维护的快速响应及与生产部门的协调,沟通。
- Workers have been doing emergency repairs to a cracked support column. 施工人员已对破裂的支撑柱进行紧急修补。
- A comprehensive analysis and study on the hydration mechanism and physico-mechanical property of superabsorbent polymers, and its function in grouting strengthening and emergency repair or construction of port engineering are presented. 摘要对高水材料的水化机理、物理力学性能及其在港口工程注浆加固和抢修抢建中的作用进行了较详细和全面的分析研究。
- Execute emergent repairs of moulds. 生产模具的应急修理。
- She was in such poor repair that on the way she had to be towed to Eniwetok Atoll for emergency repairs. 移动途中为进行小修理停留于恩内威塔克环礁。
- Also, we have a fully equipped tool room, which can provide routine maintenance and emergency repair service for our customers’ toolings by special machineries, such as CNC, EDM and others. 我们也有配置精良的工具间;通过特殊机器;如CNC;EDM和其设机器它向客户提供日常维修及紧急维修服务.
- Patty dawdled away four years in college. 帕蒂在大学里混了四年。
- To provide free maintenance regularly and repair of faults not caused by man-made reasons of leased vehicle within Shanghai City and Vehicle emergency repairs. 甲方负责对车辆进行免费定期保养、正常维修和年检,对车辆在上海市境内非人为路抛的急修。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- She has been the playmate of every boy on the football team. 她曾经是足球队上每个人的性伴侣。
- That makes CGI a practical tool for emergency repairs and utilities that won't be heavily used on commercial Web sites. 这就使CGI对于紧急的修补和在商业网站上用得不多的实用程序来说,成为一种实用的工具。