- Emergency Powers Defense Law 国防应急权力法
- Emergency Powers Defense Act 国防紧急授权法
- Congress voted the president emergency powers. 国会通过授与总统紧急命令权。
- The Air Defense Law of the PRC went into force on January 1,1997. 《中华人民共和国防空法》于1997年1月1日施行。
- The Air Defense Law of the PRC went into force on January 1, 1997. 《中华人民共和国防空法》于1997年1月1日施行。
- Tandja has responded by assuming sweeping emergency powers. 坦贾说他将使用紧急权利。
- Mr.Tandja has responded by assuming sweeping emergency powers. 坦贾通过准备备用力量对此进行回应。
- Have the emergency power supply system and lighting facility; k. 有应急供电系统和应急照明设施;
- The government has been granted emergency powers(= to deal with an emergency). 政府已被授予应急权力。
- Primary applications include fans, flywheels and emergency power installations. 主要用途包括风机、飞轮和应急供电装置等。
- China has promulgated and implemented the Civil Air Defense Law of the PRC, and formulated a number of auxiliary civil air defense regulations. 中国已经颁布实施《中华人民共和国人民防空法》,制定了与之配套的一系列人民防空法规。
- President Ren inspected the application of emergency power in Leader workshop. 任总在利达总部车间考察应急电源的技术应用情况。
- China has promulgated and implemented the Civil Air Defense Law of the PRC,and formulated a number of auxiliary civil air defense regulations. 中国已经颁布实施《中华人民共和国人民防空法》,制定了与之配套的一系列人民防空法规。
- The bill giving emergency powers to the military government was railroaded through. 紧急情况下的权力赋予军政府的议案被强行通过。
- To avoid abusing the defense, the author attempts to remark from the reasons, situations and aims of the necessary defense law, the ov... 为防止滥用防卫,我们应从正当防卫立法存在原因、条件、目的及防卫过当几个方面正确理解和把握正当防卫。
- The bill giving emergency powers to the military government was railroaded through with little respect for established parliamentary niceties. 授予军政府以应付紧急事变的权力的法案是在几乎不顾议会正常的法规细节的情况下强行通过的。
- The dimens i on of the special emergency power supply for Fire emergency luminaries. 消防应急灯具专用应急电源的外形尺寸。
- In accordance with the Constitution,the National Defense Law and other relevant laws,China has established and improved its national defense system. 中国根据宪法、国防法及其他有关法律,建立和完善国防体制。
- It is stipulated in the National Defense Law of the PRC that the armed forces of the PRC shall abide by the Constitution and laws. 《中华人民共和国国防法》规定,中华人民共和国的武装力量必须遵守宪法和法律。
- The dimension of the special emergency power supply for Fire emergency luminaries. 消防应急灯具专用应急电源的外形尺寸。