- Embryogenic cell masses 胚性细胞团
- Embryogenic cell mass 胚性细胞团
- Establishment of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions from Meristematic Globules of Musa spp. 香蕉分生小球体途径胚性细胞悬浮系的建立。
- The induction of embryogenic callus and the establishment of embryogenic cell suspension of Musa spp. 香蕉胚性愈伤组织的诱导及胚性细胞悬浮系的建立。
- Regenerated plantlets were obtained in embryogenic cell suspension culture from embryogenic callus of stem slice in Hedychium coccineum Buch-Ham. 以红姜茎尖薄片胚性愈伤组织为材料建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,并获得了再生植株。
- In the paper,some methods of tissue improvement,factors affect embryogenic cell suspension cultures are put forward.Problems existed and view of foreground. 本文综述了愈伤组织继代改良的措施,影响胚性悬浮细胞系建立的几个因素,存在问题及前景展望。
- Embryogenic cell suspe nsions (ECSs) of 3 banana cultuvars,'Guangdong 2', 'Huanong 7'and'Hekou Lo ngya'were established successfully from meristematic globules,and regener able plants were got successfully from the ECSs of the first two cultivars. 以分生小球体为起始材料 ,建立了‘广东 2号’、‘华农 7号’及‘河口龙牙’ 3个品种的胚性细胞悬浮系 ,并通过体胚发生途径获得了前两个品种的再生植株
- S1 cell mass showed higher adhesive capacity to surrounding tissue than S21 cell. S1细胞株成瘤率高,瘤块与周围组织粘连明显;
- Anther primordia are formed by early March, and composed of a protoderm and a centeral cell mass. 三月上旬,花药原体形成,由原始表层和中央细胞团组成。
- Any of various aquatic protozoans of the order Heliozoa, having numerous spindlelike pseudopods that radiate from a central cell mass. 太阳虫目动物太阳虫目中的任何一种水生原生动物,长有无数纺锤状的假足,由一个中心细胞团向四周扩散
- Changes in Endogenous Phytohormone and Polyamine Contents during Embryogenic Cells Induction of Asparagus officinalis L. 石刁柏胚性细胞诱导过程中的内源激素和多胺含量变化。
- Young anthers are composed of a protoderm and a central cell mass in early July. 七月上旬,幼花药,由原始表层和中央细胞团组成。
- Anther primordia are composed of the protoderm and the central cell mass in late September. 十月下旬时花药原体可分为原始表层与中央细胞团。
- The traditional method to determine mycelium biomass by weighing dry cell mass loss had its drawbacks. 利用干重损失法推测生物量存在一定的缺陷;
- Measuring the levels of C-peptide can give a practitioner an idea of the viable beta cell mass. 在实践中,可以通过测量C肽的水平来估计处于工作状态的贝塔细胞的数量。
- Embryogenic cell suspension cultures 胚性细胞团
- However, if a Y-chromosome is present , it stimulates the undifferentiated gonadal cell mass to develop into testicles . 然而,如果受精卵中存在Y染色体,它会调控未分化的生殖细胞团发育成睾丸。
- Patients with polycythemia vera can be expected to live long and useful lives when their red cell mass is effectively managed with phlebotomy. 作为朋友,精神上的鼓励和支持十分重要的。
- W.-P. Peng, I.-C. Yang, Y. T. Lee, and H.-C. Chang, "Whole cell mass spectrometry: practice and theory, Analytical Chemistry, 2004 (in preparation). 彭文平、杨易昌、康名慰、高颢玮、李远哲、张焕正;"单细菌粒子质谱仪的介绍";科仪新知;142期;58-64;十月;2004.