- Eliminate the Serpentis Spies. 打法:没什么好说的.;简单!
- To eliminate the military character of. 非军事化消除军事特征
- To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat. 破釜沉舟消除返回或撤退的可能性
- We want you to pursue and eliminate the targets. 我们想让你追上并除去这些目标。
- I always clime the hills to eliminate the worries. 我常藉由登山来抛开所有烦恼。
- Wu had the time to feel a fraud, send an Hwan Lin skillfully eliminate the pirates and spies infiltrate the city. 吴时来感觉有诈,派林一焕巧妙肃清混进城内的倭寇和奸细。
- It requires a long time to eliminate the old ideas. 清除旧思想需要很长时间。
- The Serpenti success is slightly tarnished by off field matters however. 但国米成功的背后却隐藏着许多场外是非。
- This will help eliminate the craving for sweets! 这将有助于消除毒瘾糖果!
- Uprising quickly eliminate the source of terrible! 赶快消灭可怕的源头吧!
- So solving this plane can eliminate the errors. 求解此平面,即可消除相移误差。
- We eliminate the clapped-out old teaching building. 我们淘汰了已经破烂不堪的旧校舍。
- This new process has eliminated the need for checking the products by hand. 采用这种新方法无须再用手工检验产品。
- It may eliminate the influence of the earth's ellipticity. 可以消去地球椭率的影响。
- Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics. 让我们将这个复杂的过程消除。
- This pesticide should eliminate the cockroaches in your house. (这杀虫剂应该可以消灭你家中的蟑螂。)
- Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash. 有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。
- Demilitarize: To eliminate the military characterof. 非军事化:消除军事特征。
- The spy was dishonourably banished from, the land. 那个间谍被不光彩地驱逐出境。
- To eliminate the black smoke.To eliminate the black smoke. 消除黑烟。消除黑烟。