- Electronie funds transfer 电子资金转移
- What do you think about electronic funds transfer? 你对电脑基金转账怎么看?
- These electronic funds transfer devices do save us a lot of paperwork and time. 这些电子转帐设备确实省了我们许多时间和案头工作。
- Electronic funds transfer is one of the important parts of electronic commerce. 电子资金划拨是电子商务的重要环节。
- It is necessary to legislate for large-value electronic funds transfer. 大额电子资金划拨立法势在必行。
- The business scenario used for this article implements a funds transfer use case. 本文使用的业务场景实现一个资金转帐用例。
- Cheque, bank draft, electronic funds transfer to designated bank account of seller. 比如:采用支票、银行汇票、电子资金转让至卖方指定的银行帐户。
- Transfer system: a generic term covering interbank funds transfer systems and exchange-for-value systems. 转帐系统:行间资金转帐系统和价值交换系统的总称。
- All funds transferred electronically to producer's bank account. 所有资金电子转帐到生产者的银行账户.
- The banking business scenario used for the example implements a funds transfer use case. 用作示例的银行业务场景实现了一个资金转帐用例。
- A concept put forth in the1960s by the Electronic Funds Transfer System,to develop a checkless,cashless,paperless society. 60年代,由于电子资金转帐系统的出现而得到的一个概念,要使我们进入一个无支票、无现金、无纸张票据的社会。
- Consumer electronic funds transfer (CEFT) is a kind of mode of funds transfer which emerged with the electronic finance. 消费性电子资金划拨是伴随着金融电子化出现的一种资金转移方式。
- Using their excellences and according our country's actual circumstance, then forming our electronic funds transfer lawmaking mode. 取两者之所长,根据本国的实际情况,形成自己的电子资金划拨立法模式。
- Data networks and electronic fund transfer already integrate data transfer into source industries. 数据网络和电子资金转移系统已经把资料的转移和资料的来源合而为一了。
- This thesis departs four parts to discuss the burden of the risks in the international great electronic funds transfer. 在对电子资金划拨的法律特点分析的基础上初步介绍了电子资金划拨所涉及的当事方及基本法律关系,并简要介绍了世界上主要的国际大额电子资金划拨系统以及国内、国际层面的相关法律调整状况。
- International great electronic funds transfer is the main payment way in the international payment. 国际大额电子资金划拨,是未来全球电子商务支付的基础。
- The interests factors are proper access to the research on the legislation of large-value electronic funds transfer. 利益因素是大额电子资金划拨立法研究的一个切入点。
- This is particularly in the light of the rapid recent development in electronic systems services, like electronic funds transfer systems. 尤其是在电子服务系统的迅速发展的情况下,如电子资金转帐交流的使用。
- Where this is so, the arrangement may be referred to as “electronic funds transfer at the point of sale” (EFTPOS). 这种情况也称为“销售点电子资金转帐(EFTPOS)”。
- Telegraphic transfer of funds from one centre to another. Now synonymous with inter bank electronic fund transfer. 从一个中心到另一个中心用电报转移资金。现在是银行间电子资金转移的同义词。