- SMTP is a network protocol that is designed to move electronic mail messages across a network to a destination server. SMTP是一个网络协议,旨在通过网络将电子邮件信息传递到目标服务器。
- Spam, Junk-mail and UCE are defined as: the sending of the same, or substantially similar, unsolicited electronic mail messages, whether commercial or not, to more than one recipient. 垃圾邮件,垃圾邮件和的UCE的定义是:派遣相同,或实质上类似的,不请自来的电子邮件,无论是商业或没有,到一个以上的收件人。
- An electronic mail message from a member of the public concerning the educational qualifications claimed by a Member of the Legislative Council 一位公众人士就某立法会议员声称拥有的学历发出的电子邮件信息
- Electronic Mail Message 电子邮件信息
- This column displays the title of the mail message. 这一栏显示邮件标题。
- ID; Play voice mail message number id. 显示语音邮件。
- We transmitted the instructions by electronic mail. 我们用电子邮件传达指令。
- Drop the Mail Message command onto the gray box. 将“邮件”命令拖放到灰色框中。
- Electronic mail is just instantaneous mail. 电子邮件就是即时邮件。
- Class represents the content of a mail message. 类表示邮件的内容。
- E-mail is abbreviation for electronic mail. "E-mail"是电子邮件的缩写 。
- Sends a mail message with the document attached. 发送带有文档的邮件信息。
- Would you like me to send that letter as electronic mail? 您要我用电子邮件发那封信吗?
- Electronic mail is gradually taking the place of ordinary mail. 电子邮件正在逐渐取代普通邮件。
- On the File menu, click New, and then click Mail Message. 在“文件”菜单上,单击“新建”,然后单击“邮件”。
- Represents the address of an electronic mail sender or recipient. 表示电子邮件发件人或收件人的地址。
- To address a mail message, click,To,Cc,or Bcc,then click compose. 如要填写邮件地址,请点击“收件人”,“抄送人”,“密送人”,然后点击“编写”按钮。
- Electronic mail is essentially an informal communication medium. 电子邮件是种不太正规的媒介。
- Electronic mail is the most popular of the Internet tools. 电子邮件是因特网最流行的一种手段。
- We see that in a small way with electronic mail today. 我们今天以一小的方式用电子邮件看见那。