- Eject Gas Generator 喷射气体发生器
- Launch Eject Gas Generator 发射弹射气体发生器
- Gas generator rocket can pressurize a high-pressure feed system. 燃气发生器能使高压输送系统增压。
- Another method to increase the pressure ratio prec/p is to increase the temperature and Mach number of the eject gas. 提高引射气体的温度及马赫数,也可增加扩压比。
- Ozone gas generator so that a better Sterilization vegetables. 臭氧气发生器使蔬菜更好的消毒杀菌。
- Baicheng City Acetylene Gas General Fact. 白城市乙炔气总厂。
- Coal gasifier, coal gas generator, coal gasification plant, coal gasification furnace. 煤气化炉,煤气发生器,煤炭地下气化厂,煤气炉。
- The line is composed of hot gas generator, melting furnace and annealing furnace in series. 研制成功一种新型烧煤的炉组,由热煤气炉、熔化炉和退火炉串联组成。
- According to working mechanism of water ramjet,operation principle of the gas generator water ramjet was put forward. 从水冲压发动机的工作机理出发,提出了适合开展发动机原理性研究的燃气发生器式水冲压发动机的工作原理。
- Wuhu Municipal Planning Committee Wuhu Fuel Gas General Co. 芜湖市计委芜湖市燃气总公司。
- The pressure can be an advantage for gas generation. 压力可能时气体的生成有促进作用;
- The development of non-azide gas generant is introduced. 介绍了国内外非叠氮燃气发生剂的研制进展。
- Nerve gases generally cause death by asphyxiation. 神经毒气一般通过窒息导致死亡。
- Experimental studies of a gas generator based on hydrogen peroxide and hypergolic ethanol[J]. 引用该论文 陈志强;廖达雄;刘宗政;符松.
- The result show that it will be more accurate to use new scale down method for predicting the performance of full-size gas generator. 文中简要介绍燃气发生器的设计,较详细地叙述燃气发生器缩比设计方法,试验结果表明,文中介绍的缩比方法是正确的,准确预示了全尺寸燃气发生器的性能指标。
- This method is simple and rapid and has been successfully applied to determine the DHG content in gas generator propellants. 方法简便、快速,应用于燃气发生刘中DHG的测定,结果令人满意。
- The main power generator groups in platform power stations are basically piston natural gas generator group and gas turbine generator group. 摘要近海油田平台电站主发电机组主要是活塞式燃气发电机组和燃气轮机发电机组。
- This paper describes,analyses and diagnoses the oil whirl and whip faults in the tilting pad bearings of the 9F type gas generator set of single shaft. 对9F单轴式燃机发生在可倾瓦轴承上的油膜涡动和油膜振荡进行了介绍、分析和诊断。
- As the hot central core of the star is exposed, its radiation ionizes the ejected gas, causing it to glow in vibrant green (emitted by ionized oxygen) and red (ionized hydrogen). 当恒星中央高热的核心裸露出来时,其辐射会游离喷出的气体,发出绚丽夺目的鲜明绿光(游离氧激发)与红光(游离氢)。