- Eight minute width 8分钟带宽
- Later that year he became a star after an eight minute Mickey Mouse film. 后来,演了一个8分钟的米老鼠电影,它一下子就成了一个明星。
- It is now eight minutes past nine. 现在是9点过8分。
- The collection of work includes an eight minute film plus sculpture and a photograph. 收藏的作品包括八分钟的电影短片、羊毛编织和照片。
- But tonight's eight minute show, which was supposed to symbolise London at its best, was a monstrosity. 但是今天晚上的8分钟表演,原本应该表现出的最好的,最能表现出伦敦的,但是却成了一个畸形怪物。
- One minute of squeezing and releasing gives you about eight minutes of light. 充电1分钟,可以照明约8分钟。
- It only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class. 骑自行车去上有氧运动课只需要八分钟。
- The eight minute trek left a swath of damage in his Palm Beach Gardens neighborhood Friday.The boy smashed mailboxes, hit parked cars and signposts.He was unhurt. 周五,他这八分钟的“跋涉”给棕榈滩花园附近地区造成了大片的破坏,撞坏邮箱,路标和停在路边的汽车,但他本人安然无恙。
- The park is seven or eight minutes from the bus stop. 下了公共汽车,你再走七八分钟就到公园了。
- You can ascend the top of the Mount by cable car in eight minutes. 您坐电缆分钟即可升到山顶。
- This time it took eight minutes for the reshuffle to work. 这次用了8分钟就发挥作用了。
- "Most of the time we have rotations, 10 minutes or eight minutes. “大多数时候,我们需要轮转,10分钟或8分钟。
- Normal traffic patterns, from the Small Madian only eight minutes. 按正常的行车规律,从马甸到回龙观只需8分钟。
- Gilardino was fundamental also for eight minutes at Udine. 吉拉迪诺在和乌迪内斯的八分钟里是决定性的。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- But its takes only eight minutes to cover the distance by Maglev train. 乘坐磁悬浮列车只需八分钟。
- The second, eight minutes later, went to Dunne for fouling Robben from behind. 第二张牌是8分钟后,邓恩背后对罗本犯规得到了。
- Marotte said Fournier would be in free fall for about eight minutes. 马洛特说,弗尔涅将会在下落过程中作大约8分钟的自由落体运动。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- Lora ran from the school to the station in eight minutes but Doreen had to go one better and did it in less than seven. 洛拉从学校跑到车站需要8分钟,但多琳跑得更好,不用7分钟就跑到了。