- Eight Immortals pill 八仙丹
- Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one shows his or her special prowess. 八仙过海,各显神通。
- The eight immortals in the Taoist legends have magical powers. 道教中的的八仙有魔力。
- If u dun understand the story of The Eight Immortals, I can tell u. 不能怪他,道家的八仙不是每个人都认识的。
- Every one of the Eight Immortals has some magical powers. 八仙之中的每一个都有神通。
- I'll take the two fans with "A Pavilion in Rain" and "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" respectively. 我买这两把分别画的“雨中亭”和“八仙过海”的扇子。
- Tieguaili, one of the Eight Immortals in the Chinese folklore, was unkempt and lame and exposed belly. 铁拐李是中国民间传说中的八仙之一,他蓬头垢面,袒腹跛足。
- Tieguaili, one of the Eight Immortals in the Chinese folklore, was unkemptand lame and exposed belly. 铁拐李是中国民间传说中的八仙之一,他蓬头垢面,袒腹跛足。
- Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his or her special prowess. “八仙过海,各显神通”在汉英词典中的解释(来源:百度词典):
- On marries celebrates hangs up the Colorful Eight Immortals is for addition lively atmosphere. 而刺绣八仙彩,就是结合八仙传说与刺绣的最佳例证。
- The porcelain bottle has a painting on it featuring the Eight Immortals fighting with the sea god. 这瓷瓶上彩绘着八仙过海的画儿呢。
- One of the eight immortals holds a lotus, the "flower of open-heartedness" or a lotus-pod wand. 八仙之一手持荷花,“心胸宽广的花”或是一个莲蓬枝。
- "Eight Immortals" after the name of self-reported, with fireworks, much of the potential mood-elevating. “八仙”自报姓名后,配以烟火,大有腾云驾雾之势。
- All the applicants in the job fair showed their own special skills. They were like the eight immortals. 在招聘会上各位应聘者是八仙过海,纷纷展示自己的独特才华。
- The princely mountains of “The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea” proudly face Yang Lu Gang Village. 高贵的“八仙过海”山,傲然昂首,俯视着羊路冈村;
- Considered as Queen of WuDan, she has many adept plays including White Bone Demon, Eight Immortals Crassing The Sea, YaGuan Parilion, etc. 她的拿手戏有《孙悟空三打白骨精》、白蛇后传》、盗仙草》、八仙过海》、盗库银》、扈家庄》、请神降妖》、雅观搂》等。
- Whole body draw the moire , the lotus with the blue flower, the Eight Immortals personage , seawater lines and roll of grass. 通体以青花绘制云纹、莲瓣、八仙人物、海水纹及卷草,青花发色偏灰暗但所绘纹饰细致,八位仙人仙风道骨神态各异。
- When the "lights Qiqiao" composed of arches, the "Eight Immortals people," that is, the "squat-step" dance by the side of the arch below. 当“七巧灯”组成牌楼时,“八仙人”即用“蹲步”由牌楼下边舞边出。
- Carving of the Eight Immortals in the side of a desk features wood of a pomegranate (the dark-colored) skillfully inlaid in boxwood. 5. 图4:正厅中的八仙桌,其上有石榴木(深色部分)嵌入黄杨木(浅色)的技巧。
- In fact, for this strategy, domestic and foreign computer manufacturers in the mainstream of Eight Immortals crossing the sea, to test their abilities. 事实上,针对这一策略,国内外主流电脑厂商都在八仙过海,各展身手。