- Ehretia asperulan. 宿苞厚壳树
- Revision of (Ehretia dicksoni Hance) specific name in our country. 关于我国粗糠树学名订正.
- Any of various plants of the genus Asperula,having whorled leaves and small funnel-shaped flowers. 车叶草一种车叶草属的植物,有螺旋形的叶子和漏斗形的小花
- Any of various plants of the genus Asperula, having whorled leaves and small funnel-shaped flowers. 车叶草一种车叶草属的植物,有螺旋形的叶子和漏斗形的小花
- However, the hostplant associations of Taiwan Ethmiinae are only known from Ehretia (Boraginaceae) based on 7 Ethmia species. 我们最近重建了草蛾亚科内的亲缘关系,并利用其推测寄主植物利用的演化。
- Old World fragrant stoloniferous perennial having small white flowers and narrow leaves used as flavoring and in sachets; widely cultivated as a ground cover; in some classifications placed in genus Asperula. 长匍匐茎的旧大陆多年生芳香草本植物,有白色的小花和细长的叶子,用作香袋中的香料;作为地被广泛种植;有时被归为香车叶草科。
- any plant of the genus Asperula. 车叶草属的任何一种植物。
- in some classifications placed in genus Asperula. 有时被归为香车叶草科。
- Ehretia corylifolian. 西南粗糠树
- Ehretia dunnianan. 云贵厚壳树
- Ehretia hainanensisn. 海南厚壳树
- Ehretia longifloran. 长花厚壳树
- Asperula oppositifolian. 对叶车叶草
- Asperula orientalisn. 蓝花车叶草
- Ehretian. 厚壳树属
- Ehretia confinisn. 云南粗糠树
- asperula 香车叶草; n.;车叶草属
- Mastogloia asperulan. 粗糙胸隔
- Ehretia laevisn. 毛萼厚壳树
- Ehretia macrophyllan. 粗糠树