- A correct way of washing hands can effectively kill bacteria on hands. 正确的洗手方式可以有效灭杀手上的细菌。
- Tough hole with everything on, sand, water, uneven lie, strong headwind and the killing distance. 天啊,这个洞也是逆风,又要避沙避水,又高低脚,不求有功但求无过
- Can effectively kill various germs, virus, sporule, and parasites in water, prevent fish disease, prevent algae to breed, and purify the water. * 杀菌有效性强、能、全可靠,可全天候使用,解决了养殖观赏鱼及水族宠物的最大水处理问题。
- Heat the vinegar, close doors and windows, fumigate in the room from time to time, which can effectively kill the flu virus. 把陈醋加热,关上门窗,隔一段时间在房间里熏蒸一次,可有效杀除感冒等病毒。
- The newest natural ion liquid medicine can permeate the body surface, and effectively kill various kinds of infectious germina, virus and pathogenic microbes. 本品所含天然离子药液,可渗透人体体表,能有效杀死各种感染性病菌、病毒以及致病微生物,对病菌有较长的抑制作用;
- What in effect killed AirAsia's plans was the intervention on January 30th of Najib Razak, the deputy prime minister. 事实上,使亚洲航空计划夭折的原因来自马来西亚副总理纳吉布1月30日的干预。
- Oftentimes, success is achieved, as medical science is able to isolate the parasite, germ or cell that causes the problem and finds ways to effectively kill or contain it. 根据这些资料,我们可以很清楚地了解到:神话人物差别很大,不只是由于地理位置所导致的,而且还是由于历史时期所导致的。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- He has effectively killed off any political opposition. 他实际上已消灭了一切对立的政见。
- It is also possible that it could be used as an addition to taxol and other similar drugs to increase effective killing of tumor cells without increased toxicity. 它也可能用作紫杉醇和其他类似抗癌药物的添加剂,以便在不增加毒性的前提下提高杀死肿瘤细胞的效率。
- Effective killing pet's body's fungoid, eliminate stinking as bacterial,so that make our pet lovely,healthier.Rich formula can further soften the skin,silk the hair. 有效杀除宠物体表的菌类,祛除因细菌引起的宠物体臭,使宠物清香可人更健康,丰富的配方,可进一步软化皮肤、润丝毛发和清洁亮毛香波。
- This contango effect killed oil investors in January, according to Standard and Poor's, which runs the most important commodity index in the world. 这种“顺价差”的影响将在1月份使石油投资者遭受损失,标准普尔是这样认为的,它经营世界上最重要的商品指数。
- It was found that the fixed cell of NIH3T3/TM TNFm, the supematant of NIH3T3/S TNFm, both fixed cell and supernatant of NIH3T3/Wt TNF could effectively kill tumor cell H22 in vitro. 在体外 ,NIH3T3/TM TNFm的固定细胞、NIH3T3/S TNFm的上清、NIH3T3/Wt TNF的固定细胞和上清均可有效杀伤肿瘤细胞H2 2。
- Congress supported him in 1833, effectively killing the second National Bank. 1833年国会支持他的立场,使第二期国民银行告吹。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- Coast Guard reauthorization bill that would effectively kill the first offshore wind energy project in the United States.The provision gives the Massachusetts governor the right to veto the wind farm. 由于该法案将授予麻州政府否决风场兴建的权力,而现任州长罗尼正是这项计画主要的反对者。
- Josef Ackermann, the boss of Deutsche Bank, warned on November 2nd that organising banks into stand-alone national silos would “effectively kill” the single banking market in Europe. JosefAckermann,德意志银行的老板,于11月2日警告说,把银行编入一个单独的国家管制体系将会“有效地扼杀”欧洲单一的银行业市场。
- Effective measures to kill insect and black beetle. 采取有效的消杀蚊蝇、蟑螂等虫害措施。
- When does the new system become effective? 新制度何时生效?
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。