- Education methods adviser 教育方法顾问
- It requires adults to have a good command of a set of healthy education methods. 这就需要我们成年人掌握一套安全健康教育的操作方式。
- Montessori teaching equipment is one of the tools of an Montessori education, they are not the entirety of Montessori education methods and tools. 蒙特梭利教具是蒙特梭利方法的一种工具,而不是蒙特梭利方法本身。
- Poem education and music education have irreplaceable advantages over other education methods in Confucian education thought. 摘要在孔子的教育思想中,诗教和乐教具有其他教育方式所没有的优越性。
- Mastering famous education method such as ALT(Communicative Language Teaching), ALM (Audiolingual Method) and so on. 精通CLT(Communicative Language Teaching)、主题教学法、听说法ALM(Audiolingual Method)等适合青少儿的教学方法。
- The moral doctrine represses the personality in educational method. 实践中,德育与生活世界阻隔造成学生主体地位缺失。
- It is unefficient to feed the healthy qualities according to traditional education methods,but musical aesthetic education is one of the efficient ways to do it. 培养健康的身心素质单靠传统的教育方式和方法已经难以奏效,而音乐美育将是培养当代大学生健康心理素质的有效方法之一。
- Objective:To investigate the correlation factor on the relationship between tinea capitis and pets and discuss its corresponding health education methods. 目的:分析头癣病与家养宠物的病原学关系,探讨其相应的健康教育方法。
- Objective: to investigate the Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) behavioral trait and the family education methods, in order to find out the susceptible factors of IAD. 目的:了解网络成瘾患者的行为特征,及家庭教育方式,探讨网络成瘾患者的易感因素。
- Virtual schools seek to raise awareness and build credibility, and also to address issues related to perceptions of their competition with other education methods. 虚拟学校选择提高知名度和建立可信度,也用其它教育方法去联系他们竞争的地址的问题。
- Objective To know about the basic status of knowledge about AIDS in different individuals in Jining city and give the basis on the emphasis of education methods and contents. 目的了解济宁市人群中对艾滋病知识知晓掌握情况,为制定宣传教育方法和重点教育内容提供科学依据。
- The educational methods of the West were introduced into the country. 这个国家引进了西方的教育方法。
- Singapore has a good education system and excellent students. However, due to the influence of traditional eastern education methods, the cultivation of the young is not comprehensive enough. 新加坡有良好的教育制度,和优秀的学生,不过往往限于受东方传统教育方法的影响,因而在培养年轻人的素质不够全面。
- Actually, to pedagogue, adopts these to be similar in “will not cook a meal will issue the graduation card on the buckle” the education method will be really has to, but for it. 其实,对教育者自己来说,采取这些类似于“不会煮饭就扣发毕业证”的教育手段实属不得已而为之。
- Students' creative ability can be cultivated by transforming education mode,putting "three setups" education method into practice and standardizing teaching process. 采取了转变教育理念、实行“三段式”教学、规范教学过程等措施。
- Objective: To discuss relations which the pre-natal health education and mother's milk feeds, elaboration pre-natal health education method and content. 目的:探讨产前健康教育与母乳喂养的关系,阐述产前健康教育的方法及内容。
- The depiction about discipline education is an important component of Montessori education method, we were struck with the good discipline and cosmos in the Montessori's school. 摘要蒙台梭利关于纪律教育的论述是蒙氏教育方法的重要组成部分,蒙氏学校中良好的纪律和秩序给人留下了深刻的印象。
- Singapore has a good education system and excellent students. However,due to the influence of traditional eastern education methods,the cultivation of the young is not comprehensive enough. 新加坡有良好的教育制度,和优秀的学生,不过往往限于受东方传统教育方法的影响,因而在培养年轻人的素质不够全面。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- He agreed to bell the cat and ask the president to introduce new educative methods. 他愿意挺身而出,要求校长采取新的教育方法。