- I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper. 我在这家报纸的编辑部工作。
- I have been hooked in for an editorial. 我硬被拉去写一篇社论。
- The editorial is entitled "... ". 这篇社论的题目是《。。。》。
- The editorial lashed out at official corruption. 那篇社论猛烈抨击官场的腐败。
- The ideology of the political left. 左派,左翼政治左派的意识形态、观点
- His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology. 他的所有制观点源自共产主义思想。
- Editorial ideology 编辑理念
- I have made a lot of editorial changes in their book. 我在他们的书上做了许多编辑上的修改。
- The editor got his claws into the opposition in a vicious editorial. 那个编辑在一篇社论中恶毒地攻击了反对派。
- The scathing editorial simply boils down to an exercise in partisan politics. 措词强烈的社论可以简单地归结为政党政治的纲领
- Last night we read the editorial over again. 昨晚我们重读了这篇社论。
- The editorial needs to be rewritten. 这篇社论需要重写。
- She has read the editorial through twice. 她把社论已经校对了两遍了。
- An obsolete ideology can hamper an economy. 过时的意识形态会束缚经济。
- He recomposed the editorial till dawn. 他改写社论直到天亮。
- Let correct ideology guide practical work. 以虚带实。
- The letters snowed to the editorial department. 来信雪片般地飞到了编辑部。
- The newspaper editorial defamed the politician. 该报社论诬蔑这名政治家。
- The ideology has great influence in the world. 这种思想体系在世界上有很大的影响。
- Can you briefly explain the editorial process? 你能否简要的解释一下整个制作过程?