- Ectreposebastes imusn. 无毒鲉
- Imus was given a two-week suspension from the air. 艾默斯被罚两周不能主持电台节目。
- Sharpton says he wants Imus to be fired. 沙普顿表示他希望艾默斯被开除。
- A source says Imus is hoping to get back on the air. 有消息称依姆斯希望重返电台工作。
- Don Imus says he's battling stage II prostate cancer. 丹.;伊姆斯表示他正与二级前列腺癌作斗争。
- IMUSR Rotation matrix between IMU and camera coordinate frames. IMUSR旋转矩阵惯性测量装置和摄像头之间的协调框架。
- Compu t e r s imu l a t i ono f we l dl i ne si ni n j e c... 熔接线是热塑性塑料注射 成型 中的一种重要现 象;当多浇口存在时;...e A; Wo l f H J; 犲 狋犪 犾 .
- I look forward to assisting IMU with it's vision in my role of Chairman. 我期待着为IMU的使命尽我的责任。
- This after Imus's comment about the team raised the ire of civil rights leaders and Rutgers University. 在艾莫斯评论该队伍后,这激怒了人权组织领导人以及罗格斯大学。
- Imus says he was diagnosed last week but he has faith he'll have a full recovery. 伊姆斯表示他上周被诊断出这个问题但他相信他会完全康复的。
- Don Imus's wife says the members of Rutgers women's basketball team are unbelievably courageous and beautiful women. 唐.;艾默斯的妻子评说罗格斯大学女子篮球队的队员们是刚柔并济的非凡的女子。
- I wish all IMU members and staff, colleagues and friends, a safe and enjoyable festive season. 我祝所有IMU成员,同事和朋友们过一个平安快乐的节日。
- For now I wish you and IMU every success and we look forward to joining you in some of those future successes. 我祝你和IMU成功,并期待着将来与你们共同造就其中的部分成功!
- American experts suspected that the attackers included Chechens and Uzbeks operating under the IMU's umbrella. 美国专家怀疑,进攻者包括在乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动保护下的车臣和乌兹别克人。
- The first two organizations are affiliated to IMU, and we have solid relations with the last ones. 前两个组织是附属于国际数学联盟的,后面的几个组织也与我们保持着稳固的关系。
- Abstract:Parameters calibration of output model of accelerometers in inertial measurement unit (IMU) is described. 摘要:研究了捷联惯导系统惯性测量组合中加速度计标度因数和安装误差的标定问题。
- The pinnacle of my relationship with IMU was the bestowal of the Chairman role on me. 我有幸被授予IMU年度主席的称号,这代表着我与IMU的关系的升华。
- Because the position and orientation are typically determined using a previously integrated GPS and IMU. 由于位置和方向,通常使用的是以前确定的综合全球定位系统和惯性测量装置。
- H. Luo, “Integrated Multiple Device CMOS-MEMS IMU System and RF MEMS Application”, Ph.D.Thesis, ECE CMU 2002. 孙志铭;“CMOS微透镜移动平台之设计与制造”清华大学2006.
- Imus was fired from his radio show, after making racially insensitive statements about the Rutgers women's basketball team. 由于在节目中对罗格斯大学女子篮球队做出过激的种族主义评论,艾莫斯被解雇。