- Economic law obligations 经济法规定的责任
- The law obliges us to pay taxes. 法律使我们负有纳税的义务。
- Civil Law, Commercial and Economic Law Volume. 中国法学文丛.;刑事法卷
- The ultimate value of economic law reflects as benefit. 经济法的终极价值体现为效益。
- Public benefit is the basic standard of value of economic law. 社会整体利益至上是经济法的基本价值取向。
- The law obliges people to get married above 18. 法律要求人们到18岁才能结婚。
- Economic laws of scientific research II. 科学研究的经济定律2。
- The law oblige parents to send their children to school. 法律上要求父母送子女入学。
- The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees. 法律迫使各家公司为其员工支付像样的工资。
- We have tried to act in accordance with objective economic laws. 我们努力按照客观经济规律办事。
- The law obliges parents to send their children to school. 法律上要求父母送子女入学.
- We have to proceed in accordance with the law of value and other economic laws. 我们要按价值规律办事,按经济规律办事。
- If we want to do our work according to economic law,we should train people to act accordingly. 按经济规律办事,就要培养一批能按经济规律办事的人。
- Its ultimate aim can only be "to lay bare the economic law of motion of human society". 它的最终目的只能是“揭示人类社会运动的经济规律”。
- Only based on situation and condition in transitional age, economic law in China can become more pragmatic. 中国经济法必须立足于转轨时期的现实国情,才能走出一条务实之路。
- The law obliges companies to pay reasonable wages to their employees. 司法部门强制公司给雇员支付合理的工资。
- In recent years we have built up considerable strength in intellectual property, WTO and international economic law. 近几年我们亦在知识产权、世贸法及国际经贸法等有长足发展。
- In the long run, commodity prices are governed but by one law, the economic law of demand and su ly. 从长远来看,决定商品价格的只有一条法则,供与求的经济法则。
- "Making jokes about economic laws is easy, but irrelevant." Bozey smiled. “拿经济法则说笑话很便当,但是文不对题,”波茨微笑着说。