- Economic Forcast and Decision 经济预测与决策
- Strategic thinking and decision making. 具备策略性思考及做决定的能力。
- Environmental planning and decision making II. 环境规划与决策2。
- Robotized assembly needsrule and decision supports. 机器人化装配需要知识与判断的支持。
- (2)Speciality in techniques Globe optimization method,Interpolation for scattered data,Contouring method,Design and development for hydrologic forcast and decision support system. (2)业务特长技术:全局最优化技术、空间散点数据插值技术、等值线勾绘技术、洪水预报系统设计开发、决策支持系统设计开发。
- The examiner feel that his driving lack concentration and decision. 考官感到他的驾驶缺乏专注和果断。
- His talent was heightened by his courage and decision. 勇敢和果断更加突出了他的才智。
- I always have been deficient in selfconfidence and decision. 我向来缺乏自信和果断。
- Divination in book of change and decision making in life II. 周易爻卦与人生决策2。
- Therefore, the landslide forcast and prediction has become a hot topic studied by people. 因此,滑坡预测预报已成为人们研究的一个热点问题。
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences. 应用数学和决策科学杂志。
- The key is to study the underground stess under impact forcast and the technology of prevention and cure deeply. 重点对阜矿集团五龙煤矿冲击地压预测预报与综合防治技术进行了深入研究。
- Strong judgment and decisiveness; bias for action. 较强的判断力和决策力。
- Yiyo is a service system especially designed for roamming users, including phone number booking and other special services, such as weather forcast and language translation. 易游系统是一个专门为漫游用户设计的服务系统,包括订阅号码和其他特色服务如天气预报,语言翻译等。
- We must follow out the Party's policies and decisions. 我们必须贯彻党的政策和决议。
- A Study on the Agrometeorological Disaster Forcasting and Decision Service System and its Application in Jiangxi Province 江西省主要农业气象灾害预测和决策服务系统的研究及应用
- The commom law system develops into the criterions of the third party of the main beneficiary,reasonable forcast and the forseen,and based on these criterions to define the third party. 英美法系专家对第三人侵权责任发展出了主要受益人标准、合理预见标准及已知和已预见第三人标准等诸多认定第三人范围的方法。
- Think business senses! Are our thinking and decisions sensible? 想一想商业感觉!我们的思想和决定有感觉的吗?
- His voice was calm and decisive as he called to her. 他呼叫她的时候,他的声音平静而坚决。