- Ecological landscape water 生态景观水体
- Control of the eutrophic pollution of landscape water, with the physical, chemical and biological, ecological engineering technology. 景观水体富营养化污染的控制,以物理、化学及生物、生态工程技术防治景观水体出现富营养化污染;
- Ecological landscape mapping is one of the fields of thematic mapping. 生态景观制图是专题制图学的重要发展方向之一。
- To counter existing problems in old urban areas,the paper points out the problems relation to water environment,air quality,sound environment,and ecological landscape that should be paid more attention to when building and planning new urban areas. 针对老城区存在的现状问题,结合新城建设规划方案,提出新城建设中应注意水环境、空气质量、声环境、生态及景观等一系列环境保护的问题。
- Compared with factors causing the change of water environment, the effect of landscape water is likely to be neglected. 在导致水环境变化的诸多因素中,景观用水的影响相对容易被忽视。
- The western line is characterized by Ming and Qing style ancient villages and rurality, northern line ecological landscape and western line natural scenery. 其中,东线景区以明清古村落和田园风光为主,北线以原生态山水风光为主,西线也以自然风光见长。
- Shanghai Huangpu River to connect the Dianpuhe "landscape water" theme created, nurtured yacht leisure industry. 对连接黄浦江淀山湖的淀浦河进行“景观水系”主题打造,培育游艇休闲产业。
- The old trees' species and the ecological landscape characteristics in Jiaoyuan Old Village of Zhaoqing City have been reported from the angle of old trees protection. 摘要从古树名木保护角度报道了肇庆蕉园古村落的古树种类及其生态景观特色;
- Along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Cannel declaring the cultural heritage,the construction of the Grand Cannel,especially the ecological landscape of riverside will be the focus. 随着京杭运河申报世界文化遗产,京杭运河河岸生态景观带的建设将成为我们关注的焦点。
- The study focused on algae growth characteristics at different TP concentrations in landscape water during different seasons. 结果表明,在春、夏、秋季,影响藻类生长的最主要因素是总磷浓度,而在冬季则是活跃的藻种。
- The old trees species and the ecological landscape characteristics in Jiaoyuan Old Village of Zhaoqing City have been reported from the angle of old trees protection. 从古树名木保护角度报道了肇庆蕉园古村落的古树种类及其生态景观特色;探讨了古树保护与生态景观资源的协调关系;针对景观资源的现状提出了一些保护措施。
- To study the treatment efficiency of BIOSTYR on landscape water,we examined BIOSTYR on landscape water,through changing loca-tion of returningr、eturning ratio and COD load. 本文以研究BIOSTYR工艺对景观水处理效果为目的,通过条件的改变,研究了回流口位置、COD负荷、回流比等因素对去除效果的影响。
- A case study of the planning and construction of a new University Campus at Riccarton, a country estate on the outskirts of Edinburgh is used to show ecological landscape design in practice . 通过对位于爱丁堡郊区里卡顿的一所新大学校园的规划与建设的案例研究,阐明了生态景观理论在景观设计中的实践。
- By analyzing the afforesting situation and existing problems of Xianyang Century Road, measures and suggestions for city road ecological landscape afforesting were put forward to provide ideas and methods for city road afforesting. 摘要通过分析咸阳世纪大道绿化现状、存在问题,提出构建咸阳世纪大道生态景观绿化的思考和建议,为城市道路系统生态景观绿化的规划和设计提供思路和方法,改善城市道路系统绿化的生物生态和环境效益。
- The park is one of the ecological landscape areas of tourism, being built in high startpoint, high level and large scale according to the national standard for AAAA level scenery spot. 是按国家AAAA级旅游景区规范标准建设的高起点、高档次、大规模的生态旅游景区。
- With quite developed river network and convenient channels to the ocean,it is an effective way to use seawater as landscape water to improve water environment in Tianjin beachfront. 利用天津市滨海新区具有较发达的河网和方便的入海通道,将海水引入河道作景观水是改善水环境的措施之一。
- In the ecological park can enjoy all kinds of delicacies, but also to fully experience the atmosphere of greenhouse Southland ecological landscape brought about by the United States and Fun. 在生态园既可以品尝到各式美味佳肴,还可以充分体验到南国情调的温室生态园林所带来的美趣。
- The project is out of the southeast Wuhuan, the south is 30-meters-green belts across the XiaotaihouRiver, the north is a large willow, and a large-scale ecological landscape is in the west side. 富力又一城项目位于北京东南五环外,南面隔30米绿化带与萧太后河相望,北面有大柳树沟擦肩而过,西侧紧邻万亩大型生态园林。
- This paper considers synthetically the influences of the inundation safety, ecological landscape, urban transportation and tourism, and adopts the composite seawall with a broad berm. 综合考虑防洪安全、生态景观、城市交通和休闲旅游等因素,决定采用宽平台海堤结构。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。