- Ecological environ of Beijing 首都生态圈
- Mining subsidence affects ecological environment of minefield. 采煤塌陷,严重破坏了矿区的生态环境。
- To Improve the Ecological Environment of the Western Regions in Red Earnest. 切实保护改善西部地区生态环境。
- Every effort should be made to improve the investment environment of Beijing. 应尽一切努力来改善北京的投资环境。
- What were your first impressions of Beijing? 你对北京的最初印象如何?
- The state shall protect the ecological environment of the grasslands,and prevent and control pollution. 国家保护草原的生态环境,防治污染。
- Largescale development and construction will be certain to bring enormous pressure to bear on the fragile ecological environment of Tibet. 西藏生态环境脆弱,大规模开发建设势必给生态环境带来巨大压力。
- The ecological environments of human were threatened by BBP as an environmental hormone and attracted more and more attention of experts. 其作为一种环境激素;使人类赖以生存的生态环境受到威胁;逐渐引起各国学者高度重视和关注.
- The state shall protect the ecological environment of the grasslands, to prevent and control pollution. 国家保护草原的生态环境,防治污染。
- One can watch a short film there, about a sad love tale and the ecological environment of the grottos. 人们可以在那里通过观看一部短片,了解一则与洞穴相关的凄美的爱情故事以及洞穴的生态环境。
- The ecological environment of Tarim river basin in the south Xinjiang is well known by the sociologists and scientists. 南疆塔里木河流域的生态环境已引起社会和科技界广泛注意。
- Deteriorating ecological environment of the Earth is the time to "green" from a slogan into action. 日益恶化的地球生态环境是时候把“环保”从口号变成行动了。
- Order to win the bid for the Olympic Games of 2008, the municipal government of Beijing has launched a campaign to improve the environment of the city. 为了获得2008年奥运的申办权,北京市政府已开展活动来改善市区环境。
- But ,the disturbances from human destroyed the ecological environment of elm woodland steppe seriously and influenced its special ecological function. 然而 ,由于人类的干扰 (如毁林开荒、过度放牧、甚至片面地建立人工林群落等 ) ,不同程度地破坏了榆树疏林的生态环境 ,影响了其特有的生态作用。
- The ecological environment of waterlogging land in Four-lakes Region was influenced both by natural and human-caused disturbance factors. 自然与人为干扰共同作用于四湖地区的涝渍生态环境。
- Our school is in the east of Beijing. 我们学校在北京的东部。
- Ecological corridor planning study aims to improve the overall ecological environment of the Da Tong Guan Shan area in Tongling City of Anhui Province. 谷地生态廊道规划研究以提升安徽省铜陵市大铜官山地区及城市整体生态环境质量为目标。
- As the Nansha area is a protected ecological environment of the region, where the development of the petrochemical project from the many to consider. 由于南沙区属于生态环境受保护的区域,在这里发展石化项目要从多方面去考虑。
- The climate of beijing is mild as a whole. 北京气候一般说来还算温和。
- This had a true influence to the ecological environment of the region and the deluge of the downriver areas of the Huanghe River. 由于党项内附引起宋夏沿边人口的增加,使大面积山地得到开垦,对当地的生态环境以及下游的黄河泛滥产生一定影响。