- Eastern Hebei plain 冀东平原
- Baiyangdian is the Hebei Plain's largest freshwater lake. 白洋淀是河北平原上最大的淡水湖泊。
- Studying on groundwater in Hebei Plain has been an academic focus all the time. 摘要河北平原地下水的研究一直以来都是学者关注的焦点。
- Roles in the "local yangko in eastern Hebei"include niu (girls), chou (clown), gongzi (young men) and laokuai (shrewish old women). "冀东地秧歌"(河北)大致分为妞(姑娘)、丑、公子、老 汇等角色,除老 汇(泼辣的中年妇女)
- This became known as the Eastern Hopei Incident. 这就是冀东事变。
- So, it provides many new ponderations and enlightenments in understanding Holocene stratum and basement tectonics of the Hebei Plain. 因此,它对全面认识河北平原的全新世地层和新构造运动形迹会有许多新的启示。
- Palagioclase hornblendite of the Archeozoic Qianxi Croup Jincahngyu Formation is closely associated with the gold mineralization in eastern Hebei province. 冀东太古界迁西群金厂峪组斜长角闪岩与金矿关系密切.
- The Archeozoic metamorphic rocks in Sanjia, eastern Hebei are dividedinto supracrustal rocks, felsic gneisses and granitoids. 将冀东三家地区太古宙变质岩系分为上壳岩、长英质片麻岩和花岗岩三类,并对各岩类的地质地球化学特征及演化进行了阐述。
- Hebei Plain belongs to the serious shortage region, and the shortage of water resources has become the main factor influencing and restricting sustainable development of economy . 河北平原属重度缺水地区,水资源短缺已成为影响和制约河北省社会经济、环境可持续发展的主要因素。
- The first Sm-Nd synchrone obtained in China with Sm-Nd methods is introduced and Sm-Nd isotopic geological dating in Early Archaean rocks in eastern Hebei has been determined. 适合低含量Sm,Nd的加压离子交换法。 同时介绍应用Sm-Nd法得出的我国第一条Sm-Nd等时线,测出了冀东早太古代岩石Sm-Nd同位素地质年龄。
- For its unique natural environment, the Hebei Plain part of Hutuo River can be easily silted up and burst, leading frequent watercourse shifts during the Ming-Qing dynasties. 本文通过对明清相关史料的收集、分析、整理,首次对明以来滹沱河的变迁改道进行了具体详细的恢复,进而发现滹沱河在不同历史时段,其流经方向、河道稳定性、主要河患影响范围和程度都有不同的特点。
- There is clear feature of zonations in Si, Fe, Mg and Mg/(Mg + Fe) for amphibole in Archaean tonalitic gneisses in Malanyu area, eastern Hebei Province. 冀东马兰峪地区出露较大面积的太古宙含紫苏辉石的英云闪长质片麻岩,其中角闪石矿物的Si、Fe、Mg、Mg/(Mg+Fe)等呈明显的环带特点。
- The primary corundum deposit in eastern Hebei is near the ground surface.The corundum is megacrysts, pink or dark red color, semi-transparence to opaque. 冀东某地原生刚玉矿床具有埋藏浅,刚玉个体大、微红至暗红色、半透明至不透明等特点,经人工改善可生产低档红宝石。
- With some practical examples of iron deposit in eastern Hebei province, this paper has summed up the techniqus and effectiveness of data interpretation of magnetic anomaly. 摘要文章以冀东一些铁矿区地面磁测成果为例,总结了磁异常转换、定量解释推断一些方法的应用及效果。
- The Holocene stratum of Quzhou district is quite different from other areas of Hebei Plain in terms of the buried depth, thickness, depletion rate, color, grain size, structure and pollen assemblages. 摘要河北平原南部曲周地区的全新世地层,在埋藏深度、地层厚度、堆积速率和颜色、粒度结构、孢粉含量与种属等方面,与河北平原其他地区不同。
- Most of the gold deposits in the eastern Hebei province occur in plagioclase hornblendites in Jinchangyu Formation of Qianxi Group in Archean with a distinctive stratabound characteristies. 冀东地区金矿床大多产于太古界迁西群金厂峪组斜长角闪岩中.
- The metamorphism of the basic dykes emplaced during the Late Archean era reached amphibolito-granulite facies, suggesting a fairly strong reginal metamorphism toke place during this period in eastern Hebei. 太古代晚期侵位的基性岩墙变质达角闪麻粒岩相,说明太古代末期冀东地区发生一次较强的区域变质作用。
- The paper deals with the origin of minerals in the greenstone-typed gold mines in the gold mines area of Eastern Hebei,and returns greenstone to its original rock in the mineral-sourced layers. 论述了冀东金矿集中区绿岩型金矿的矿质来源,并恢复其矿源层的原岩。
- Ground Fissures and Its Distribution in Hebei Plain 河北平原构造特征、地裂缝分布及成因机制