- Of the most famous circuses in East Europe is coming to China. 东欧最有名的之一将来中国。
- One of the most famous circuses in East Europe is coming to China. 东欧最有名的马戏团之一将来中国。
- THERE is no clear answer to the question of how far east Europe stretches. 对于东欧延升的范围有多广这个问题,一直以来并没有明确的答案。
- In a chillier climate, they make east Europe's future more worrying. 在严酷的经济气候下,它们将会使东欧国家的前途更加令人担忧。
- In addition to the Soviet Union, the fraternal countries in East Europe have also given us some assistance. 除了苏联以外,东欧一些兄弟国家也给了我们一些帮助。
- With unique style and strong East Europe flavor, the fairytale has an appealing force. 风格独特,浓郁的东欧情调,营造的童话气息吸引人。
- She says much of that will support business training and development programs in lant america asia and east europe. 其中大部分用于资助拉丁美洲,亚洲和东欧的商业培训和发展项目。
- INTRODUCTION : Dexterows and graceful skater comes from far away bringing friendly greetings from the sculptor's home, Holland ,and whole East Europe. 作品简介:作品通过轻盈的滑雪者带来来自作者家乡荷兰及整个东欧的友好问候。
- As Austria joins European Union, Vienna becomes east Europe and west Europe commerce and centre with exchanged economy again. 随着奥地利加入欧盟,维也纳重新成为东西欧商业和经济往来的中心。
- It would be tempting but simplistic to have Kremlin masterminds battling with wily western powerbrokers over east Europe’s future. 故事会很精彩,而不是简简单单的克里姆林宫大佬和狡猾的西方代理人争夺东欧的未来。
- We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report made by a comrade from the People's Daily on current affairs in East Europe. 我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师,在听人民日报的一位同志作有关东欧局势的重要报告。
- With the systematic change in the former Soviet Union and East Europe 15 years ago, the monolithically tempered socialist camp crumbled into pieces overnight. 15年前苏联与东欧发生了制度性的变革,苦心经营得犹如铁板一块的社会主义阵营顷刻间土崩瓦解。
- The film is set in Budapest, amid a collision of two unlikely worlds: the political backdrop of the US Embassy and the indecorous underworld of East Europe's pornography scene. 电影开始于布达佩斯,在两个个不同世界中碰撞:美国大使馆的政治背景幕和欧洲东部的色情图画同时出现。
- If China collapsed as the Russia and the east Europe, that definitely would be a geopolitical disaster, which might even result in a worldwide economic disaster. 而如果中国真的走向前苏联和东欧那样分崩离析的道路,那将是一场绝对的地缘政治灾难,甚至导致全球经济灾难。
- We have expanded our business to such areas as South-East Asia, East Europe and Middle East in past years by establishing close cooperative relationship with local clientele . 我们与东南亚、东欧、中东等国家和地区厂商建立和发展了密切的业务合作关系;
- Holding specialrelationship with France and Poland and a territory dispute with the Soviet Union,Romania, as insignificant country irt East Europe, was closely related to thisnegotiation. 罗马尼亚虽是东欧小国,但由于同法国、波兰的特殊关系,以及与苏联长期存在领土争端,因而与这次谈判产生了密切关系。
- Wang Ping: In east Europe,it prevails round racing cycle,drag- racers,track race,driving skill race,traffic vehicle race,saving oil race,chmbing slopes race,go-kart race and multi-event race. 王平: 东欧还有环行公路赛、直线公路赛、场地赛、驾驶技巧赛、交通车竞速赛、节油赛、爬坡赛、卡丁车赛、多项赛等。
- He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。
- Wang Ping: In east Europe, it prevails round racing cycle, drag- racers, track race, driving skill race, traffic vehicle race, saving oil race, chmbing slopes race, go-kart race and multi-event race. 王平: 东欧还有环行公路赛、直线公路赛、场地赛、驾驶技巧赛、交通车竞速赛、节油赛、爬坡赛、卡丁车赛、多项赛等。
- Hamlin Electronics is a leader in sensor technology. We found in 1949, headquarter in Diss, UK. Manufactures and branch offices spread worldwide in USA, Mexico, Germany, east Europe and Hong Kong. 哈姆林是一家世界级领先的传感器技术提供商,成立于1949年,总部设在英国,工厂及子公司分设在美国,墨西哥,德国,东欧及香港各地。