- small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas 沙漠地区的非洲小鼹鼠,几乎无毛
- small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas. 沙漠地区的非洲小鼹鼠,几乎无毛。
- Giant African mole rat 大东非鼹鼠(鼠科)
- While the giant mole rats found on the West Coast are mostly covered with fur, the ones from the East Coast are not, possibly being mutations of different species. 而在西海岸发现的巨型摩尔鼠大多覆盖着毛皮,而东海岸的则并非如此,可能是不同物种的基因突变。
- The Melody, which beat off an attack by pirates off the east African coast. 在东非海岸外海击退海盗的"梅洛迪"号游艇。摄影:路透社,何。
- Mole rats are giant rodents who just love to sink their teeth into your flesh. 摩尔鼠是一种巨型啮齿类动物,它总爱让它的牙齿陷入你的肉中。
- Islamist fundamentalists claim they can bring order to the war-torn East African nation. 伊斯兰原教旨主义者声称,他们能够为这个倍受战争蹂躏的东非国家带来秩序。
- A new study suggests the laid-back lifestyle of some in a colony actually helps the queen mole rat spread her genes. 一项新的研究认为:生活于这个族群中,一些鼹鼠的懒散生活方式却能真正地帮助鼹鼠皇后传播她的基因。
- We have interest to buy tantalite, Ta2O5, coltan, columbite in Uganda and East African region. 我们有意在乌干达和东非地区购买钽铁矿、五氧化二钽、钽矿石、钶铁矿。
- The sultans of Oman were once in Zanzibar, when they ruled much of the East African coast. 在阿曼的苏丹统治东非沿岸大部分地区时,就定都在桑给巴尔。
- Why does the Bullfrog dig a trench to bring life-saving water to his tadpoles, while the Mole Rat expects his young to guard him with their lives? 相对地,河马爸爸就粗心大意得多,牠们甚至会不小心地践踏死自己的子女,也不动容。
- FOR much of the 19th century, Bagamoyo was a dreadful place, at the heart of the east African slave trade. 20世纪的大多数时间,在东非奴隶交易的中心,巴哥莫约都是一个可怕的地方。
- Eusocial colonies are common among insects such as bees and ants, but the only examples in the mammal world are among furry and the naked mole rats. 群居的族群现象在如蜜蜂和蚂蚁等昆虫世界中很常见,但在哺乳动物中,只有毛鼹鼠和裸鼹鼠会是这样。
- Andrew Mwangura of the East African Seafarers' Assistance Program identified the vessel today as MV Amani. “东非海员援助组织”负责人穆万古拉今天(星期二)确认被劫持的货轮名为"阿曼尼号"。
- Gazetteer Western Indian Ocean: east African coast, Seychelles, and the western Indian Ocean islands. 西印度洋:东非海岸,塞锡尔群岛,与西印度洋岛。
- As vulnerable as naked mole rats seem, researchers now find the hairless, bucktoothed rodents are invulnerable to the pain of acid and the sting of chili peppers. 裸鼹鼠看上去似乎象它的外表一样脆弱,研究员目前发现这种无毛獠牙啮齿目动物对酸和辣椒的刺激刀枪不入的。
- The men were seized off the east African coast and have been set free after their employer reportedly paid a ransom. 据说,这些人在非洲东海岸被俘获,他们老板付赎金之后才得以释放。
- The naked mole rat goes by many names, including the potentially misleading “sand puppy” which might imply that these voracious diggers are cute and friendly fellows. 裸鼹鼠有许多名字,包括可能使人产生误解的“沙狗”。但这些名字说明这些贪婪的挖掘工是一种可爱的友好的动物。
- An airplane casts a shadow over the red waters of Lake Natron in Tanzania, part of the East African Rift Valley. 意译:板块构造图片美术馆。一架飞机投掷阴影在坦桑尼亚的纳特隆湖红水的上面,东非裂谷的一部分。
- That Madagascar and the East African coast are a mere few hundred kilometres to the west does not lessen he feeling of splendid isolation. 虽然西边与马达加斯加和东非海岸只隔几百公里,但这并没有减少它的超然与世隔绝之感。