- Ear vascular bundles 果穗维管束
- It shows one sheath around the vascular bundles. 它显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。
- It does not show sheaths around the vascular bundles. 它并没有显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。
- Scar left on a twig by the vascular bundles when a leaf falls. 叶脱落时维管束遗留在枝上的巴痕。
- It shows two well-developed sheaths around the vascular bundles. 它显示出两个发育完全之维管束鞘位于维管束周围。
- Leaf blades with 5 vascular bundles, abaxial surface somewhat scabrid. 叶片具5维管束,背面有点粗糙。
- Has similar tissue organization at both surfaces with a row of vascular bundles under each epidermis. 叶两面组织相同,有一排维管束在表皮下,很特殊。
- All the vascular bundles are interconnected so that transport between organs carried on rapidly and efficiently. 所有维管束都互相连通,因而得以迅速而有效地完成器官之间的运输。
- In seed plants the protoxylem occurs at the innermost edge of the vascular bundles in stems, but external to the later-formed xylem in roots. 在种子植物中,原生木质部发生在茎的维管束的最内方,但在根中,位于后生木质部的外方。
- The vascular bundle area in 2nd internode below the ear of cold type wheat is obvious smaller than warm type wheat's. 冷型小麦倒二节间中维管束面积明显小于暖型小麦;
- The vascular bundles of the stem are arranged in a ring within a single endodermis and pericycle, giving a eustele. 茎内的维管束在皮层和中柱鞘内排列成环状,形成真中柱。
- Interfascicular cambium A single layer of actively dividing cells between the vascular bundles in stems. 束间形成层:束间形成层是位于茎的维管束间的具有旺盛分裂能力的一层细胞。
- The nectary is composed of secretory epidermisf and nectariferous tissue with no vascular bundles in it. 蜜腺由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织组成,不含维管束。
- However, the number of vascular bundles and the development of sclerenchyma are not uniform with each other. 然而,维管束的数目及厚壁组织的发育各不相同。
- Vascular bundles of the pedicel in flower of Commelina communis were scattered within central fundamental tissues. 鸭跖草花梗顶部的维管束分布在中央的基本组织内。
- Quantities of polysaccharide vesicles are transported in bulk through vascular bundles. 含多糖的球形颗粒通过维管束在子叶中运输。
- The vascular cambium extends to form a complete ring of meristematic tissue around the stem, the separate vascular bundles being linked by interfascicular cambium. 维管形成层向两侧延伸直至形成一个茎内的分生组织环,各个维管束被束间形成层联系在一起。
- Results There are compound vascular bundles in the xylem of the root of Euphorbia ebracteolata which are distributed as homocentric circles. 结果:月腺大戟根木质部中存在复合维管束,略呈同心环状排列。
- One of the vascular bundles or ribs that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues in a leaf or other expanded plant organ. 叶脉维管束或主叶脉之一,形成传导和支撑一片叶子中的组织或其它扩展的植物器官的支状结构。
- Vascular cylinder of adhesive disc turned into vascular bundles while adhesive disc enlarged, and the active stage of vascular cambium was short. 吸盘膨大时维管柱转变成维管束,维管形成层活动期较短。