- ERM in Our Commercial Banking 我国商业银行全面风险管理研究
- The Application Study of ABCM in Our Commercial Bank ABCM在我国商业银行中的应用研究
- On Building up of Managerial System of Credit Insurance in Our Commercial Banks 我国商业银行信贷风险管理体系构建探索
- On Erm in Commercial Banking under Financial Globalization 金融全球化背景下商业银行全面风险管理研究
- A Discussion about the Off-balance-sheet Business Risk Control in Our Commercial Banks 我国商业银行表外业务风险控制
- Elucidate the necessity of total cost management with a solid case in our country commercial bank finally. 最后以一个实例说明我国商业银行推行全面成本管理的必要性。
- Some issues in Developing the Off-balance-sheet Activities in Our Commercial Banks 我国商业银行表外业务发展问题研究
- Analysis of the Current Situation of Intermediate Business in our Commercial Banks 浅析我国商业银行中间业务之现状
- He once worked as porter in a commercial bank. 他曾在一家商业银行当杂务工。
- For some history reasons, our commercial banks have commutated lots of non-performing loans(NPL). These heavily affect the safety and the order of our banking. 由于历史的原因,我国商业银行积累了大量不良贷款,严重影响了金融安全与金融秩序。
- She worked as a teller in our bank. 她在我们的银行里当出纳员。
- It can decentralize and reduce the risk of our commercial banks, improve the capital structure, increase capital adequacy and advance the efficiency of our banking system. 但是在实践中还存在着如会计、税收制度与证券化的不统一、信用评级机构缺失等问题。
- Four AMCs have been established since 1999 to deal with the great non-performing assets (NPAs) of our commercial banks. 我国成立四大金融资产管理公司对国有商业银行的巨额不良资产进行剥离和处置。
- Regarding the Basel II ,our commercial banks are not qualified for the IRB at present. 比较后可以认识到在信用风险管理方面我国银行还存在很大的差距。
- Along with the rapid of reform in our country" s finance, every commercial bank of country began to make the countermeasure for the impaction of foreign bank. 随着我国金融业改革步伐的加快,各国有商业银行开始紧锣密鼓的制订各种应对国外商业银行冲击的对策。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- Establishing the modern commercial bank circulates the mechanism is a reformation direction that state-owned commercial bank in our country can"t falter. 建立现代化商业银行运行机制,是我国国有商业银行不可动摇的改革方向。
- Participation in tender is in our line of business. 参加投标属于我们的业务范围。
- He was hostile to any change in our plan. 他反对我们计划中的任何改变。
- Because of the difficulties, our commercial banks should absorb the idea of Activity Based Manager (ABM) at first before the using of ABC, and then they can get more advantages. 同时指出,由于客观条件的限制,目前我国商业银行在采用ABC法时有必要首先吸收成本管理(ABM)的有关思想,达到业务流程优化、成本控制效益化的管理目标。