- Even a landlord doesn't have extra food to spare. 地主家也没有余粮啊。
- Feed sb upbgive extra food to sb to make him more healthy. 给(某人)额外食物使其更健康。
- He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than he'd invited. 他预料来的客人会比邀请的多,就多买了食物。
- I'm not sure how many people are coming here for dinner tonight, let's just play it safe and make some extra food. 我不能确定今晚将有多少人来赴宴。保险起见,还是多做点吧。
- If you decide to go hiking in the desert, make sure to carry extra food and lots of water. 若你决定到沙漠健行,切记要带多一点食物和大量的水。
- Our humps can store extra food, we can live without food for 4-8 days at a time. So we can stay in hot, dry desert. 我们的驼峰可以储存多余的食物,没有食物的情况下我们还能生存4到8天,所以我们可以在干热的沙漠中存活。
- A miser who is too tightfisted to give his extra food and treasure wouldn't accumulate merits and is thus not eligible for the name of the Bodhisattva. 其悭吝者,不自食用,功德不修,复不与人。坚守财宝亦复如是。
- Someone could always get extra food since the food was prepared for the entire battalion, but battalion always had casualties. 食物是为全营准备的,而营里总是会有伤亡所以一些人总是可以得到额外的食物。
- Even after a filling meal, they can tempts us to eat more, but this extra food is not necessary for our well-being nor our waistline. 即使是在吃饱了之后,人类还是倾向于吃更多的食物,而这些额外的食物并不是维持健康和体重所需的必备食物。
- With appropriate banking of the extra food, the Mandans protected themselves against the disaster of crop failure and accompanying hunger. 适当地储存多余的食物,使得曼丹人可以保护自己免受庄稼歉收和与之相伴的饥饿之灾。
- If you had told me you were bringing somebody home for dinner I would have bought some extra food; as it is,we'll have to make to with what we've got in the fridge. 如果你当时告诉我你要带人来家里吃饭,那我就会多买些食物了,现在实际上也只好冰箱里有什么吃什么,勉强对付一下了。
- If you had told me you were bringing somebody home for dinner I would have bought some extra food; as it is, we'll have to make to with what we've got in the fridge. 如果你当时告诉我你要带人来家里吃饭,那我就会多买些食物了,现在实际上也只好冰箱里有什么吃什么,勉强对付一下了。
- There is no reason why people cannot carry out of the backcountry the extra food and packing materials which they carried in with them in the first place. 首先,没有理由为什么人们不能把他们带到野外的多余的食物和包装材料带离野外。
- Well, did you know that in several laboratory experiments scrub jays, relatives of the blue jay, hid their extra food more cautiously when other jays were around? 你不知道一些实验室在对蜂鸟做一些研究,蜂鸟是蓝色蜂鸟的近亲,他们在其他同伴的面前小心翼翼地将多余的食物藏起来。
- To their surprise, the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered, clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights, over having a feast. 让他们惊讶的是,低级鱼简单地就拒绝了他们提供的多余食物,更愿意保持小的体型以避免战斗,甚至成为大鱼的美餐。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。
- This extra strong glue should do the job nicely. 这种超强度胶应该管用。
- She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间。
- She's always saddling extra duties on me. 她总是把额外责任加到我身上。