- ECP rudiment 宿主蛋白残留
- Is it Difficult to Acquire Subjacency and the ECP? =承接条件和空号原则很难习得吗?
- ECP - identifies the neighbor ECP. ecp--标识相邻的ecp。
- It do not take me long to pick up the rudiment of the language. 我没有费多少时间就学会了这一语言的初步知识。
- It does not take me long to pick up the rudiment of the language. 我没有费多少时间就学会了这一语言的初步知识。
- ECP mode will also enable you to print with scanning software open. ECP模式还允许您在扫描软件打开的情况下打印。
- The rudiment of Galanz was a small town-sized eider factory. 格兰仕前身是一家乡镇羽绒制品厂。
- You can improve scanning speed by using the ECP parallel port mode. 您可以用ECP并行端口模式提高扫描速度。
- His small-sized car design provides besides first already rudiment. 况且他的小型轿车设计早已初具雏形。
- Role of ECP,IL-4 and IL-5 in the pathogenesis of RSV bronchiolitis. ECP和IL-4、IL-5与RSV毛细支气管炎发病机制相关性研究
- The adventitious root rudiment was induced root rudiment. 欧李插条不定根原始体为诱生根原始体。
- Everyone learns the rudiment s of arithmetic in elementary school . 在小学,人人都学习了基础算术。
- Meckel's diverticulum is the rudiment of the embryonic yolk sac. 麦克尔憩室是胚胎黄囊的未发育完全器官。
- This, clean out the rudiment of treasure at the outset namely. 这,就是当初淘宝的雏形。
- ECP, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the effective treatments for MF. 蕈样霉菌病的治疗方法有光动力学治疗、放化疗等。
- Results stroke and ECP may bring change of blood perfusion flow of brain. 结果缺血和体外反搏都引起脑动脉血流的变化。
- A mere tendeney to produce a rudiment is indeed sometimes thus inherited. 事实上,产生原基的倾向,有时的确是这样遗传的。
- The assay and clinical value of ECP in the children of bronchial asthma. 哮喘患儿血清ECP的测定及其临床意义
- Evaluation of ECP Level Determination Under Different Temperature for Asthma. 不同温度测定血ECP水平对支气管哮喘的结果评价
- A mere tendency to produce a rudiment is indeed sometimes thus inherited. 事实上,产生原基的倾向,有时的确是这样遗传的。