- Dynamic Change Analysis 内伶仃洋沿岸地区
- With the method of hierarchy analysis and mould and method together,it analysed the dynamic change of the water environment carrying capacity of Hebei. 用层次分析和模加和的方法分析河北省水环境承载力的动态变化,实现水资源的可持续利用。
- So the algorithm can primely adapt to the dynamic change of network topology. 因此该算法能很好的适应网络拓扑结构的动态变化。
- CXR showed obvious pleural effusion. Cardiac enzyme showed no dynamic change. 胸部x光摄影显示胸膜渗出。心脏酶显示没有动态变化。
- Based on those, this paper refers to ecological footprint analysis (EFA) which is to evaluate sustainable development and dynamic course, utilizes geographical information system (GIS) as technical base, try to analyze the dynamic change of land use. 基于此,本文借鉴“生态足迹分析法”,采用地理信息系统作为技术支撑,对济南市土地利用动态变化进行分析研究。
- This change analysis or differencing, is a very valuable tool, and we see it a lot in imagery. 这种变化分析或差异分析,就十分有用,能通过图像发现很多规律。
- This dynamic change is, at best, disconcerting and hard to interpret and, at worst, frightening and inscrutable. 这种动态变化至少会给用户带来困惑而难以理解,更严重的是,可能会导致用户因为害怕而无法理解。
- The difference existed in the dynamic change of nitrogen among different positions of soybean plant. 大豆植株不同部位氮素动态变化存在差异。
- The dynamic changes of S-100, CK-BB, NSE and MBP were detected. 结果在造模后血液中NSE、S-100、MBP、CK-BB水平都有升高,但各项指标升高的时间和幅度并不一致。
- Don’t dynamically change the labels of terminating buttons. 绝不要动态改变终止按钮的标签。
- Text font remapping (dynamic changing of font sizes). 浏览程序支持同时安装多个字典。
- Current GISs lack efficient management and analysis functions for coastline dynamic changes for coastline is a special line object. 现有地理信息系统对于海岸线这一独特线对象的动态变化缺乏有效的管理和分析手段。
- This dynamic change of succeeding each other between yin and yang is known as the waxing and waning of yin and yang. 阴阳之间的这种彼此消长的动态变化被称为阴阳消长。
- The article studied the dynamic change rules of LDH, MDH and G -6 -PDH in periglottis cells of tongues in differente phase of sexual Cycle by ? 本研究运用细胞化学技术,对10例正常月经妇女和10例月经先期患者舌粘膜上皮细胞的LDH、MDH、G-6-PDH三项指标,在月经周期不同时相中动态变化规律进行了对比研究。
- Dynamic Change in Nitrogen Discharge with Runoff from a Small Watershed in Southern Anhui Hilly Areas. 皖南丘陵地区小流域氮素径流输出的动态变化。
- Methods: Using biotin labeled ECL, UEA and PHA-L as probes, the distribution and dynamic changes of their receptors we reexamined by affinity cytochemistry and image analysis. 方法:以生物素标记的凝集素ECL、UEA和PHA-L为探针,应用亲和细胞化学和图像分析的方法,检测上述3种凝集素相应受体的分布状况和变化规律。
- The dynamic change of [Ca2+]i in single pancreatic acinar cell was determined by laser scanning confocal microscopy. 在无钙且含EGTA的培养液中LPS引起胰腺腺泡细胞[Ca~(2+)]_i缓慢、微弱的升高,而再次恢复培养液中Ca~(2+)至生理浓度,LPS可以引发一个快速、幅度更高而持久的[Ca~(2+)]_i变化;
- Methods: Using biotin labeled ECL,UEA and PHA-L as probes,the distribution and dynamic changes of their receptors we reexamined by affinity cytochemistry and image analysis. 方法:以生物素标记的凝集素ECL、UEA和PHA-L为探针,应用亲和细胞化学和图像分析的方法,检测上述3种凝集素相应受体的分布状况和变化规律。
- The dynamic change of intracellular Ca2+ concentration was measured exactly by ACAS. ACAS能准确测量胞内Ca2+浓度的动态变化。
- This allows you to dynamically change the look of the master page at run time. 这使您能够动态地更改运行时母版页的外观。