- Dying men speak true. 人之将死,其言也善。
- Die men speak true prophecy. 临死吐真言。
- Dying men speak tr ue. 快要死的人说真话。
- The dying man panted out his last wishes. 这个快要死的人上气不接下气地说出了他的最后愿望。
- The priest prayed for the dying man. 牧师为死者做祷告。
- Two nurses attended day and night on the dying man. 两个护士日夜护理着那个奄奄一息的病人。
- The priest absolved the dying man. 牧师宽恕了那个快死的人。
- When all men speak, no man hears. 当所有人都发言时,就没有人听了。
- A doctor cannot turn away a dying man. 医生是不能见死不救的。
- The guilty thinks all men speak of them. 罪犯总是怀疑人们在议论自己。
- The dying man soon ceased to breathe. 那个垂死的人不久停止了呼吸。
- The dying man's pulse fluttered feebly. 垂死者的脉博微弱地跳动着。
- What are possessions to a dying man? 对临终的人来说财产有什么意义?
- The dying man recommended his soul to God. 死者将自己的灵魂交给上帝。
- They attended day and night on the dying man. 他们日夜照顾那个生命垂危的人。
- If other men spoke to her intimately he was immediately jealous. 一见到别的男人跟她亲热地交谈,他便会醋劲大发。
- The dying man groaned with pain. 那个将死的人因疼痛难忍而哀叫。
- If other men speak to her intimately he is immediately jealous. 一见到别的男人跟她亲热地交谈,他便会醋劲大发。
- The dying man commended his soul to God. 这个垂死的人将灵魂托付给了上帝。
- If men speak ill of you, live so that no one will believe them. 如果有人说你坏话,那就活出个可以让别人不相信他们的生活。