- Dust Prevention and Control in Coal Faces with Large Mining Height 大采高综采工作面的煤尘防治
- Application of KZP-G automatic spraying device to dust prevention and control KZP-G型自动喷雾装置在粉尘防治中的应用
- Research on dust prevention and control technology for fully mechanized mine heading face 综掘工作面粉尘防治技术研究
- Technology of comprehensive dust prevention and control for fully mechanized longwall caving mining face 综放面粉尘综合防治技术
- Should Pets Be Killed to Prevent and Control SARS? 宰杀动物可以预防和控制非典吗?
- Application of comprehensive mine dust prevention and control technology to coal mining face with light weight hydraulic powered supports in Fangezhuang Mine 范各庄矿轻放工作面综合防尘技术应用
- Study on Chemical Prevention and Control of Solidago canadensis L. 加拿大一枝黄花化学防除研究。
- Dust prevention and control 粉尘防治
- The current Law on Water Pollution Prevention and Control was enacted in 1984. 当前采用的水质污染预防及控制法是1984年颁布的。
- Water-proof, dust prevention and anti-corrosion, being able to work outdoor under bad environmental condition. 整机采用三防处理,适合野外恶劣环境工作。
- The LED Cluster with the high quality LED cup, LED Cluster has the good character of reflection, corrosion prevention, dust prevention and leakage prevention. LED射灯选用优质灯杯,反光性好,耐腐蚀,防尘,防漏电。
- Third, we strengthened the prevention and control of environmental pollution. 三是强化环境污染防治。
- Prevention and control of air-borne dust pollution: All construction sites must reach the standard stipulated for environmental protection and existing effective measures and systems will carried on to control the dust pollution. 扬尘污染防治。施工工地必须达到规定的环保标准,坚持目前行之有效的各项控制措施和管理制度,坚决控制施工扬尘。
- Achievements have been made in desertification prevention and control. 防沙治沙工作取得积极效果。
- Third,we strengthened the prevention and control of environmental pollution. 三是强化环境污染防治。
- Adopting efficient new adsorption material, ACF mask has properties as: gas defense, deodorize, germ filter, dust preventer and etc. 活性碳纤维口罩采用新型高效的吸附过滤材料,具有防毒、除臭、滤菌、阻尘等功效。
- Study on Prevention and Control of Puccinia spp. In Festuca rubra L. 羊茅锈病发生与防治的研究。
- The municipal people's government may,in light of the actual conditions,adopt measures other than those specified in the preceding two articles to prevent and control the smoke or dust pollution. 除前两款外,城市人民政府还可以根据实际情况,采取防治烟尘污染的其他措施。
- Units that conduct construction operation or other activities that generate dust pollution in the city's urban areas must take measures to prevent and control the dust pollution in accordance with the local regulations on environmental protection. 在城市市区进行建设施工或者从事其他产生扬尘污染活动的单位,必须按照当地环境保护的规定,采取防治扬尘污染的措施。
- The municipal people's government may, in light of the actual conditions, adopt measures other than those specified in the preceding two articles to prevent and control the smoke or dust pollution. 除前两款外,城市人民政府还可以根据实际情况,采取防治烟尘污染的其他措施。