- Dufu Caotang 杜甫草堂
- Dufu was the renowned master of Chinese poetry. 杜甫是我国著名的诗圣。
- Thus, Taoistic cluture has a very large influence to Dufu. 从而说明了道教文化对杜甫产生过相当大的影响。
- The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world. 清代杜诗注疏契合了考镜源流、经世致用的学术背景,反映了当时知识分子的精神寄托。
- They deeply reflect the society of over 20 years before and after insurrection by an Lushan and Shi Siming.The poems recorded Dufu's life experience vividly. 它深刻地反映了唐代安史之乱前后20多年的社会全貌,生动地记载了杜甫一生的生活经历;
- Third chapter mostly discuss dufu "s trope imago single and brilliance Character from taste angle. dufu poem visualize muchmore brilliance,verse novelty and vivid.imago old and grand. 第三章主要论述杜诗喻象的审美特征。本文认为,其审美特征主要表现在鲜明生动,新颖传神,苍老雄浑三个方面。
- On the other hand, Dufu's failness made him not having been a court poet. but a realism poet in Chinese culture history.So he set a stronger and graver life example in Chinese history. 同时,求仕失败使杜甫没有成为“天颜有喜近臣知”的御用文人,而在历史上树起一座坚韧顽强、自强不息的人格范式。
- Look into Dufu's Mental World from his Catering 从饮食看杜甫的精神世界
- Dufu's Verses are Not Only One Poem 杜甫律诗孤平例不只一首
- The Study on the Complexity in Dufu's Thought 杜甫思想复杂性探析
- On the Images of High Pavilion in Dufu's Poem 论杜甫楼阁诗的高楼意象
- On the Roam Image of DuFu's Long You Poems 论杜甫陇右诗的羁旅意象
- The track of Dufu and his poems in Longyou 杜甫陇右行迹及诗作
- interpretation of Dufu' s poetry 杜诗注
- An Initial Discussion on DuFu's"Humble Official Argument" 略说杜甫的"小臣议论"
- Skills and Techniques of using Colloquial Words in Dufu's Poems 论杜诗口语词的运用艺术
- Time, Order and Place in which Dufu Wrote his Poems in Zhuzhou 杜甫在株洲作诗的时间、编次、地点考
- The Geochemistry Characteristic of Weeathering Crust in the Three Gorge Areas-- The Example of CaoTang river drainage area in the Three Gorge Areas 三峡库区坡地物质的地球化学特征--以三峡草堂河流域为例
- Dufu's Cuckoo Poetry and the Central political Revoluctions in the Tang Dynasty 杜甫杜鹃诗与唐代中央政治革命
- The Study on the Tragical Resource of Dufu Seeking for Officer's Failness 杜甫求仕失败的历史审视