- Ducks migrate every fall. 鸭子秋天迁徙。
- Ducks migrate every fall . 鸭子秋天迁徙。
- Swallows,wild geese and egrets migrate every year. 燕子,野雁和白鹭每年都移居。
- Every fall hurricanes slam the United States coast. 每年秋天,飓风都要猛烈攻击美国海岸。
- She takes a vaccine against influenza every fall. 她每年秋季接种流感疫苗。
- Seabirds will fly from here to another place for migration every year. 海鸟每年都要从一个地方迁徙到另一个地方。
- Homecoming is an event held every fall by many high schools and colleges, especially in small towns. 同学会是许多高中和大学在每年秋天所举行的庆祝活动,在一些小镇上尤为盛行。
- When Mother Nature decides to turn her back on the North every fall, the beauty of multi-colored leaves and breezy days only last so long. 每逢秋天,当大自然母亲决定告别北方时,色彩绚烂的树叶和微风轻拂的好日子便从此远去。
- Every fall hundreds of thousands of young people matriculate in colleges and universities. 每年秋季成千上万的青年考入高等院校。
- At the Chicago Botanic Garden in Illinois, workers plant twenty-nine thousand tulip bulbs every fall. 在伊利诺伊州的芝加哥植物园里,工人们每年秋天种下29000株郁金香。
- Be indebted to all your energetically supports, the fair will be better and characteristic every fall due. 承蒙各方的大力支持,交易会一届比一届办得圆满,一届比一届更有特色。
- Homecoming is an event held every fall by many high schools and colleges,especially in small towns. 同学会是高校学生每年秋季都要举行的盛会,小城镇尤为突出。
- Every fall, monarchs gather in areas of Canada and the United States and fly to Mexico. 每年秋天,王蝶就会在加拿大和美国境内集结然后飞往墨西哥。
- Large numbers of birds migrate south every winter. 每年冬季大量的鸟类迁徙南方。
- When Mother Nature decides to turn her back on the North every fall,the beauty of multi-colored leaves and breezy days only last so long. 每逢秋天,当大自然母亲决定告别北方时,色彩绚烂的树叶和微风轻拂的好日子便从此远去。
- EQUIP YOURSELF:Get a big, cush pad, and replace it when it packs out. Though bouldering means short heights, every fall is a ground fall. 用好的装备。帮你自己一个忙,买大一点的抱石垫,如果他已经老化了,记得要立刻更换。虽然抱石的高度不高,但是每一次坠落还是会摔到地面的!
- The rich people often migrate in winter to Florida. 有钱的人常在冬季搬迁到佛罗里达州去。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
- The ducks of the production team have been fed out. 生产队的鸭子已养肥到可以上市了。
- Although the return to school every fall (like... the Bigger They Are, the Harder they FALL?) is not always a gleeful time... 虽然在秋季回到学校上课并不是一件常常开心的事。。。