- Third,reconstruct the benefits balance mechanism of copyright protection in cyberspace byestablishing the "fair use" and the "statutory license" system. 在网络著作权权利扩张的趋势下,通过建立网络的“合理使用”和“法定许可”制度,重建著作权保护的利益平衡机制。
- At the same time, it categorizes the developing mechanism of China’s third sector into three sub-mechanisms: driving force mechanism, restriction mechanism and balance mechanism. 同时指出,中国第三部门的发展机制中包含三个子机制:动力机制、制约机制和均衡机制。
- Balancing the firstorder reciprocating inertial force through single-axis balance mechanism can evidently reduce the engine vibration. 摘要采用单轴平衡机构完全平衡一阶往复惯性力,可大大减轻发动机振动。
- At last, design a set of dimensions of balancing mechanism as a balancer for a press machine. 最后并以实际冲床为例,设计一动平衡机构。
- Moreover, the role of National Grid Company (NGC) in the new balancing mechanism is discussed. 最后对英国电网公司 ( NGC)在平衡机制中的作用进行了简要分析。
- the balance mechanism in the ears 耳内的平衡机制
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- The emergence of one-man company is an important challenge to traditional company as a society for the absence of balancing mechanism. 一人公司的出现是对传统公司社团性的重大挑战,因其缺失建立在股东复数基础之上的制衡机制,存在一人股东滥用公司独立人格和股东有限责任的可能。
- Spindle is the measure for yarn. 司品德是纱的度量单位。
- The clerk put the check on a spindle. 店员将支票放到扦子上。
- On The Power Interact and Balance Mechanism 权力制衡机制思考
- The spindle seemed to be out of order. 心轴好像坏了。
- The authors analyze the motion law of the balancing mechanism,the forces on the counterbalance and the torque on the gearreducer crank shaft. 还对平衡机构的运动规律、平衡块受力及减速箱曲柄轴扭矩等进行了分析。
- She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常优美。
- The song of the spindle was silent. 纺锤的歌声沈默了。
- property right balance mechanism 产权均衡机制
- The experiment results indicate that this dynamic load balancing mechanism really leads to a more efficient parallel level 3 BLAS for LAN-connected workstations. 实验结果指出在区域网路连结的工作站环境下,利用此一动态负载平衡方法可得到一较有效率的BLAS 3程式库。
- dual spindle 双轴
- Four-column double oil cylinders mechanism and precise automatic balancing mechanism are adopted to reach high ton cutting force and ensure identical cutting depth at each point. 采用四柱式,双油缸驱动机构,精密自动平衡结构,达到高吨位裁断力,并保证每个点的裁断浓度完全一致。
- dual spindle disc unit 双轴磁盘装置